Add energy sensor to Energy dashboard

I have a growatt inverter. I get a lot of values through the Growatt-integration. One of the values I can see on the integration page is Energy-today. It has the same value as this entity : sensor.dme194xxxx_energy_today.

Unfortunately I do not succeed in adding this sensor to the “Solar panels” part of the Energy dashboard configuration. What do I miss in these settings ?


I have the same issue. I can’t get the data pulled from my Growatt inverter to reflect correctly on my Energy Dashboard.

same here!
has anyone been able to solve the problem?


Pokulemon wrote:

For other Growatt Guys:

today I adde the Lifetime energy output to the Energyboard and all work fine. The Lifetime energy output is at the Energyboard the daily Output.

yes it is working…insane…