Add FPL API to Home Assistant

I was looking for a way to get my Florida Power and Light data into Home Assistant and came across this project:

It seems like it’s exactly what I need, but I’m not much of a coder, so I was looking for a little help to point me in the right direction to get started. I could probably hack something together for myself, but figured it’d be more beneficial if other people could use it. Any tips would be appreciated.


Interested too…

Guys you can check this

FPL Integration

it’s still in development so contributions are welcome

Thanks for the heads up on your work! What’s the status of the project? I tried it and it just says my user/password are wrong. I’m wondering if it’s not quite working, or maybe because I have 2 addresses under my account.

Yep, indeed it is the problem, i’m working on it

Hello @dotKrad,

I tested it and so far it’s good. It will be really good if we could also get Daily/hourly kwh usage rather than average.


@Dario_Lemes_Gonzalez could you provide how you had this setup in your configuration.yaml file

The configuration is done in the UI


As @dotKrad mentioned configuration is done on the Integrations UI.


I’m having an issue and I don’t know how to resolve it, every time I restart HA I get a new entity
Any help will be appreciated


Same issue here! I have to remove the integration every couple of days and re-add it.


I just remove the old entity and rename the new one
but still annoying

@dotKrad, does this still works for you? It seems broke with recent updates


Annotation 2020-05-09 002221

Mind sharing your code for this card?

This is a combination of multiple cards

  - card:
        - attribute: as_of_days          
          entity: sensor.fpl_*****
          entity_row: true
          max: '${ vars[0] }'
          name: Days
            icon: 'off'
            indicator: 'off'
            minmax: inside
            title: inside
            value: inside
            - color: Green
              from: 0
              to: '${ vars[0] * 0.5 }'
            - color: Yellow
              from: '${ vars[0] * 0.5 + 1}'
              to: '${ vars[0] * 0.80 }'
            - color: Red
              from: '${ vars[0] * 0.80 + 1}'
              to: '${ vars[0] }'
          style: 'ha-card{border-radius: 0;}'
          type: 'custom:bar-card'
      title: FPL
      type: entities
      - sensor.fpl_*****
    type: 'custom:config-template-card'
      - 'states[''sensor.fpl_*****''].attributes.service_days'
  - attribute: projected_bill
    entity: sensor.fpl_*****
    name: Projected Bill
    type: entity
type: 'custom:vertical-stack-in-card'
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For those that are using it, how are you taking advantage of the historical usage data with this integration? I dont see how we can actually graph using dated values in the attribute ‘details’.

The github page says its compatible with HACS. How do you add it through HACS?

you need to add as a custom repository in HACS

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Thanks for the help! I have it set up already.