Add function to remove Weekend day from workday sensor


Not enough function to make a Weekend day - work day.
My working week for most of the year, from Monday to Friday, but because of the holidays in our country can be postponed, i.e. the working day is declared not a working day, and one of the Saturdays is assigned a working day.
I can add a holiday, but removing a holiday on Saturday gives an error because there is no holiday on that day.
Add an add_workdays section like:

  - platform: workday
    country: UA
      - '2021-01-08'
      - '2021-01-16'

2021-01-08 - Friday - Not working day in my Country
2021-01-16 - Saturday - Working day in my Country - We work on this day instead of 2021-01-08

You can add saturday as workday with the
workdays: option.

So you think that if there will be 2 such transfers in a year, I have to add Saturday to work days before each of these transfers, reload HA, then do not forget to remove Saturday from work days and reload HA again, and then remember that in half a year there will be another such transfer and repeat the procedure again?
I think it is convenient to prescribe such days once at the beginning of the year, and then do not interfere with the smart home to work in standalone mode.

Ah I’m sorry, I misunderstood you, I thought you always work on saturday instead of another weekday.

Personally I use a separate calendar with my workdays, because my holidays can change quickly and are not fixed at the beginning of the year. In addition I can specify in the calendar whether I’ll work from home or not to be used in certain automations.

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The binary sensor is more convenient than the calendar, and it already has almost everything, in my opinion is missing this little setting, and if it is added, then this sensor will be able to cover all possible options.

FWIW, you could create binary sensors based on the calendars. But I agree your addition to the workday integration would make sense.

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How many Votes need for adding this functionality?

That’s not how feature requests work.
The more votes a feature request has, the more likely a developer will see it and implement it. But there’s no guarantee that your request will ever be fulfilled, even if it has 1000 votes, keep in mind that this is a free, open source project and no one owes you anything, most of the devs spend their free time in order to develop for HA.

Bad news … :frowning: