Add Google Pollen, Solar and Air Quality API

Use the Pollen API to get pollen information including types, plants, and indexes for a specific location.

Documentação da Plataforma Google Maps  |  Pollen API  |  Google for Developers.

They also provide API’s for Solar and Air Quality.
Maybe also interesting.

Thanks in advance


If I’m reading this correctly, it requires payment:

Unfortunately you’re right

How about iqvia integration: IQVIA - Home Assistant

It has pollen information, though not very detailed.

Unfortunately not usable for people outside the U.S. as it is based on a U.S. ZIP code.

Just come looking for a pollen sensor for HA - this would hugely help with the WAF (wife acceptance factor).

The Google API is likey comprehensive and it seems like the pricing works out to be about 3.5 bucks a year… Assuming 1 call per day.

I’d love to see this data in HA and especially the health recommendation…

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