I am trying to figure out how to make the background of my weather-forecast card to show the horizon card type graphic during the day and between sunset and sunrise show the moon phase and illumination. Is this even possible? I have found ways to add static images to the background of cards but not something like this or at least my search terms aren’t finding what I have envisioned. Thanks for the help yall!
I’ve never tried something like that, but maybe this is an idea?
Make a dashboard page that is hidden from the view, and only put the card in it that you want for a background, like the moon phase card, on that page. Then determine the URL (like /lovelace/moon-phase)…
Then use the URL of the “moon-phase” dashboard as the background.
Just an idea. Good luck.
Two ways:
- Create a separate image file for each phase. Set a background to the destination card by card-mod using jinja templates dependently on an appropriate “moon phase” sensor.
- By using card-mod, place 2 cards one-on-one overlapping: any card which shows moon phase to the bottom, your destination card to the top; then set an opacity by card-mod to the topmost card.
Suggest to ask details in the main card-mod thread.