Add Input Sensor information to Threshold Sensor Helper Options

Not sure whether this is a feature request or a bug in the version I am currently using (Core 2024.6.3, OS 12.3).

In short: as a systems admin I want to be informed on what Input Sensor I am changing the thresholds values for, when editing/tweaking a Threshold Sensor Helper instance.

I made a Threshold Sensor Helper and entered the Input Sensor and the threshold values to be used (in my case it is a Helper that holds the boolean value whether the sun hits a window or not, based on a Sun Azimuth range).
While it takes some threshold tweaking to optimize my sun-blinds automation, I had to go back and adjust and most probably will again in future. Easy to change the threshold values, but… not sure whether I really was looking into the Azimuth threshold values.
No way to to find out since there is no Input Sensor information in the Settings dialog nor in the Threshold Sensor options dialog once the Helper is created.
I would have expected to have at least an “Input Sensor” name information field for reference. Ideally the input sensor to be used could also be changed afterwards, without the need to delete the old and create a new Helper, though I understand that this could complicate anciliary logic (like logging).

I think this would be a feature request as the way is works appears to be intentional. Intentionally not added is not a bug, so this is an [FR].

I would suspect the intention is (guessing, but I think I’m right) is that the tool is meant to use with template sensors when you need to vary the sensor part. Collect your data from your current sensor and whatever sensor that you need info from and adjust the sensor value to your liking. Maybe not, but either way I would suggest to try that. (Pretend it’s dailight-savings-time…)

Thanks for your reply @Sir_Goodenough.
How to mark it as a [FR] or where to re-submit it?

It was re categorized. Now I suggest you vote for it…