Add interlock payload to mqtt zigbee


how could add interlock value “true” into home assistant for a zigbee device relay?

this is the device that i have, but not idea how to configure it:

Publish zigbee2mqtt/[FRIENDLY_NAME]/set with payload {"interlock": true}. Can be done in developer tools -> mqtt

@francisp thanks for your support.
i have added payload interlock as true into menu developer tools and seems that is working.
now i was wondering if i reboot the device or if i have a power off this value added will remain or i need to execute this again?


This is saved in the zigbee2mqtt database, so it will remain.

and last question, is there any other way to configure it out of menu developers tools?
for instance into configure file of home assistant…?

thank you so much for your support!

It is not a home assistant function, but a zigbee2mqtt function. So the only way to do it is to send a mqtt message to zigbee2mqtt, either through developer tools or any mqtt client.

cristal clear!