Add Iphone to HA

Hi there,

This is probably a noob question, but I’m getting started with HA.

How do I add my iphone to HA? I want to use it for location tracking. I have installed the HA Companion app on my iphone, but when I go to MAP on HA, it doesn’t show my device.

HA only shows my battery state etc. but not location

What can I do?

Thank you!

The map doesn’t show your location when you are in the “Home” zone.

If you have tracking enabled in the settings section of the app you are good to go. A tracking sensor should show up in your front end after a restart of HA.

Also be aware of the limitations:

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Hi Tom,

Thank you for this. I have it enabled and restarted HA. However, it is not showing up on my front end.

What do I need to add in my configuration.yaml file?

Do you have a device_tracker.your_phone_name in the states panel of the developer tools (looks like a <> button on the bottom left of the HA side menu.