Add missing DC3 / PV3 sensors to Kostal Plenticore Inverter Integration

Currently the new Kostal Plenticore Inverter Integration creates the sensors stated in the documentation.

But the Kostal Inverters have 3 inputs of which the 3rd one can be either used for battery or as PV input.

If you do not use the 3rd input for battery, but as 3rd string you can currently not get the values.

Thus this integration is missing the following sensors in

devices:local:pv3 (dc3 power)
Statistic:EnergyPv3:Day (Energy PV3 Day)
Statistic:EnergyPv3:Month (Energy PV3 Month)
Statistic:EnergyPv3:Year (Energy PV3 Year)
Statistic:EnergyPv3:Total (Energy PV3 Year)

I kindly ask to add the missing sensors.
They may be disabled initially. Just add them so that anyone using the inverter without a battery but 3 input strings may fetch all relevant data.

Hey Sascha

Thank you for the detailed information. It seems that everything is already in place for adding the 3rd input. Would it be possible to provide a PR on yourself?

Sure, I’ll create one in the upcoming days

As requested: Add PV3 / DC3 sensors to Kostal Plenticore by SaSa1983 · Pull Request #50614 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

I also updated the documentation: Update Kostel Plenticore documentation to include PV3/DC3 sensors by SaSa1983 · Pull Request #17833 · home-assistant/ · GitHub


I managed to get DC3 configured under sources. However it only shows 0 production. I have good production on this string as well. Do I have to activate something in order to get the last string working?

I use the official integration provided by HA.
I have 3 strings (dc1 to dc3) and it works like a charm.

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It would be nice to see this data in the scb integration. With HA 2022-07 and the latest kostal integration, these values are still missing. Maybe battery data is not directly linked to PV/DC3 channel.

With voltage and current you can measure health of the battery independently.

I have the Same issue. Battery Voltage and Current are missing. Sensors for DC3 Voltage and Current disappeared when I installed the Battery.