Hi everyone,
If this is a duplicate, please let me know. I was just reading and saw multiple questions about adding an availability sensor.
This can easily be achieved!
Step 1
In your z2m configuration, make sure you select MQTT version 5, this is needed for message retention. And make sure you have availability: enabled: true. This is disabled by default.
Restart if needed.
Now z2m publishes the network state (online/offline) of each device in it own topic, for instance: zigbee2mqtt/Kitchen motion sensor/availability
Step 2
You need to create a sensor for each of the devices. See MQTT Sensor - Home Assistant. But who has time for that!
Luckily, we have Jinja. Find the device name of your bridge, by default its Zigbee2MQTT Bridge
. If you changed it, then also change it in the code below.
Copy and paste this code in “Developer tools” > “Template editor”.
{% set id_zigbee_radio = device_id('Zigbee2MQTT Bridge') %}
{%- set ns = namespace(out=[]) -%}
{%- set device_ids = integration_entities('mqtt') | map('device_id') | unique | list -%}
{%- for device_id in device_ids -%}
{%- if device_attr(device_id, "via_device_id") == id_zigbee_radio %}
- device:
- {{ (device_attr(device_id, "identifiers")|first)[1] }}
enabled_by_default: true
entity_category: diagnostic
device_class: connectivity
icon: mdi:network
state_topic: zigbee2mqtt/{{ device_attr(device_id, "name") }}/availability
unique_id: {{ (device_attr(device_id, "identifiers")|first)[1] | replace('zigbee2mqtt_', '') }}_network_state
value_template: >
{{ "{{ " }} 'ON' if value_json.state == 'online' else 'OFF' {{ " }}" }}
name: network state
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
Your output should look something like this.
- device:
- zigbee2mqtt_0x0000000000000000
enabled_by_default: true
entity_category: diagnostic
device_class: connectivity
icon: mdi:network
state_topic: zigbee2mqtt/Kitchen motion/availability
unique_id: 0x0000000000000000_network_state
value_template: >
{{ 'ON' if value_json.state == 'online' else 'OFF' }}
name: network state
- device:
- zigbee2mqtt_0x0000000000000000
enabled_by_default: true
entity_category: diagnostic
device_class: connectivity
icon: mdi:network
state_topic: zigbee2mqtt/Livingroom motion/availability
unique_id: 0x0000000000000000_network_state
value_template: >
{{ 'ON' if value_json.state == 'online' else 'OFF' }}
name: network state
Step 3
Copy output (!) and paste it in your configuration.yaml. Be sure to check your configuration.
Now click on “Developer tools” > “YAML” > “YAML configuration reloading” > “Manually configured mqtt entities.”
Et voilà, every Z2M device has a sensor online/offline.
Hope this helps, kind regards,
- Ingrid
Edit: changed the sensor to a binary_sensor with device_class connectivity