Add new repository by URL

Hi all. I’m use HASSIO, I don’t understand where I’m wrong. I want to install zigbee2mqtt through the repository , but the “Add new repository by URL” window no longer appears in the “ADD-on-STORE” menu. Has something changed?


I have the same problem with Hassio 0.109. I can’t add custom repo because of this.

Report it in the release notes topic and open an issue on github.

Having the same issue here

It’s located in the far top right corner now, but there’s an invisible icons bug in Supervisor 221 so you can’t actually see the icon. If you hover with your mouse on desktop it will change the cursor to a hand, here’s where to click:

This is a known issue that should hopefully be fixed soon.


oooohhhhhh… thanks very much :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I was looking for hours! Thank you :grinning:

I know that’s a very old threat and the issue should be fixed, but I have the same problem
my System

  • Core2024.1.5
  • Supervisor2023.12.1
  • Operating System11.4
  • Frontend20240104.0

based on the OVA as a VM installed about 4 years or more und did every update.
No I am try ton integrate Zigbee and bought the Lidl Gateway, but can not find the ZigbeetoMQTT extension, nor can how to install it.
Need help