Sorry if this was answered elsewhere - I was unable to find anything related that resembles my issue.
I’ve got HomeSeer leak sensor (HS-LS100+), which supports both un-secure and secure inclusion. However, I am unable to add the sensor as a secure node via HA Z-Wave UI - the node never gets added, no matter what I do. Only un-secure addition works. I’ve checked OZW-Log.txt and confirmed that the node was added as not secure.
Same happened with Leak Gopher water valve - added as un-secure only. But since this device is not in the OZW database, I’m not sure whether secure would work at all.
I’ve got network key configured for my Aeotec ZWave stick (it’s listed in core.config_entries file).
Triple press is used to exclude a node from the network. Manual had 2 options to include: 5 sec press&hold for secure inclusion and single quick press for non secure.
A device gets added only with non-secure method, trying to do the secure procedure doesn’t seem to result in anything - OZW log file has no details of the node.