Add-on appdaemon-predbat fails to install

I have a fairly new installation on a Raspberry Pi 4B
OS version 11.5, core 2024.2.2

My immediate goal is to manage a GivEnergy All-in-one system. I have successfully installed a number of add-ons, including GivTCP, and that is working fine.

I am now trying to install the appdaemon-predbat add-on, but the installation fails with this message:

2024-02-20 14:11:31.360 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.hassio] Failed to to call /addons/46f69597_appdaemon-predbat/install - The command ‘/bin/bash -o pipefail -c apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-dependencies build-base=0.5-r3 python3-dev=3.11.6-r1 && apk add --no-cache py3-pip=23.3.1-r0 py3-wheel=0.42.0-r0 python3=3.11.6-r1 && pip install -r /tmp/requirements.txt && cd /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ && patch -p1 < /patches/force_recompile.patch && find /usr ( -type d -a -name test -o -name tests -o -name ‘pycache’ ) -o ( -type f -a -name ‘.pyc’ -o -name '.pyo’ ) -exec rm -rf ‘{}’ + && apk del --no-cache --purge .build-dependencies’ returned a non-zero code: 2

and obviously I can proceed no further.

I am familiar with generic Linux but know little about the internals of Home Assistant. I am not sure where to look for clues to what might be causing this failure, or even discover which of the commands in this sequence is failing. I do observe that the /addons/ directory is empty afterwards but am not sure whether that is expected or not.

There is an alternative installation procedure that I could follow but this is the one that seems to be recommended for a new installation, so I’m wondering whether I have made some fundamental blunder.

Any ideas?

Solved. I noticed that the git repository holding the add-on seemed to be in a state of flux, with lots of recent commits. I removed the repository and added it back. I noticed that the version number of the add-on had changed since I first tried. The new one installed OK.