Add-on development for Alarm Decoder ser2sock

I am attempting to move from an unsupported raspbian core installation to a supported version using the supervisor. A remaining obstacle is that I use an Alarm Decoder device that doesn’t work reliably with the serial connection – thus I need the ser2sock service running.

Luckily, this has been addressed in the past. An older container was developed and is available at this location: original hassio addon

Based on the latest dev guidelines for addons, I made modifications and can get this addon built and running on a new supervisor/HA install. I believe I need permissions added as well but this is where my non-existent experience with docker containers is evident. The addon needs access to the serial device, i.e. /dev/ttyUSB0, and home assistant needs to connect to it on the specified socket port.

Any ideas on modifications to allow this addon to function? The example for allowing a port specifies something like 22/tcp, but this is a socket so I’m guessing tcp isn’t correct and I’m unsure how to allow this. Thanks in advance!

EDIT: config.json modified to add the fixed code from post #2.


  "name": "AlarmDecoder ser2sock",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "slug": "ser2sock",
  "description": "Implementation of ser2sock for Home Assistant, custom modified.",
  "url": "",
  "startup": "services",
  "boot": "auto",
  "auto_uart": true,
  "ports": {
    "10000/tcp": 10000
  "ports_description": {
    "10000/tcp": "ser2sock socket port"
  "devices": [
  "options": {
    "serialDevice": "/dev/ttyUSB0",
    "baudRate": 115200,
    "port": 10000
  "schema": {
    "serialDevice": "str",
    "baudRate": "int",
    "port": "port"
  "arch": ["amd64", "armv7", "armhf", "i386" , "aarch64"]


ARG BUILD_FROM=homeassistant/amd64-base:latest


# Build and install the ser2sock application
  apk add --no-cache build-base git openssl-dev jq && \
  cd /tmp && \
  git clone && \
  cd ser2sock && \
  ./configure && \
  make && \
  cp ser2sock /usr/local/bin/ && \
  cp -R etc/ser2sock /etc/ && \
  cd .. && \
  rm -rf ser2sock


# Copy run script

COPY /app/
COPY ser2sock.conf /etc/
RUN chmod a+x /app/
ENTRYPOINT ["/app/"]

LABEL io.hass.version="VERSION" io.hass.type="addon" io.hass.arch="armhf|aarch64|i386|amd64"

I am unsure if the “ports” and “ports_description” fields are necessary, but I believe that adding the “devices” to the config.json is certainly required. I have added this section to the config.json and the addon seems to work as expected:

  "ports": {
    "10000/tcp": 10000
  "ports_description": {
    "10000/tcp": "ser2sock socket port"
  "devices": [

I'll edit the code in the original post to reflect the updated configuration.

Fellow alarmdecoder user here. Does ser2sock allow multiple readers on the port? I was running my ad2usb via home assistant non-supervised for a while. I used socat and ncat to allow multiple readers / writers to / from the device. I was able to use NuTech’s windows alarm panel at the same time without having to disconnect it from home assistant. I can dig up the details if it sounds useful.