this Add-on connects to Fenecon’s interface using websocket protocol and uses HA’s MQTT broker to publish a device and sensor entities to Homeassistant.
You can configure all Fenecon(OpenEMS/FEMS) channels and a couple of more things using the container configuration.
Maybee someone find it usefull. Yes, it’s my first Add-On and I’m not a full metal jacked programmer .
Repo: GitHub - Skeletitor/ha_addon_fenecon2mqtt: Homeassistant Add-on Fenecon2Mqtt
Changelog: ha_addon_fenecon2mqtt/CHANGELOG.md at main · Skeletitor/ha_addon_fenecon2mqtt · GitHub
The Add-On comes with a collection of default entities which are pushed to HA. You‘re able to customize those entities. This customization is persistent, it won’t be overwritten by an update.
Have fun
UPDATE Here is the new default configuration for requested channels (for versions > 0.2.14). Copy it by your own and merge it into your local config or reinstall the add-on from the scratch.
- _sum/ConsumptionActiveEnergy
- _sum/ConsumptionActivePower
- _sum/ConsumptionActivePowerL1
- _sum/ConsumptionActivePowerL2
- _sum/ConsumptionActivePowerL3
- _sum/ConsumptionMaxActivePower
- _sum/EssActivePower
- _sum/EssActivePowerL1
- _sum/EssActivePowerL2
- _sum/EssActivePowerL3
- _sum/EssDcChargeEnergy
- _sum/EssDcDischargeEnergy
- _sum/EssSoc
- _sum/GridActivePower
- _sum/GridActivePowerL1
- _sum/GridActivePowerL2
- _sum/GridActivePowerL3
- _sum/GridBuyActiveEnergy
- _sum/GridMaxActivePower
- _sum/GridMinActivePower
- _sum/GridMode
- _sum/GridSellActiveEnergy
- _sum/ProductionActiveEnergy
- _sum/ProductionActivePower
- _sum/ProductionDcActualPower
- _sum/ProductionMaxActivePower
- _sum/State
- battery0/Soh
- battery0/Tower0NoOfCycles
- battery0/Tower0PackVoltage
- batteryInverter0/AirTemperature
- batteryInverter0/ArmFmVersion
- batteryInverter0/BmsPackTemperature
- batteryInverter0/DspFmVersionMaster
- batteryInverter0/DspFmVersionSlave
- batteryInverter0/RadiatorTemperature
- charger0/ActualPower
- charger0/ActualPower
- charger0/Current
- charger0/State
- charger0/Voltage
- charger1/ActualPower
- charger1/ActualPower
- charger1/Current
- charger1/State
- charger1/Voltage
- charger1/Voltage
- ess0/Capacity
- ess0/DcDischargePower