Add-on have full device access, Signalk Server


Found in logs today

2024-07-26 14:56:00.333 WARNING (SyncWorker_2) [supervisor.addons.validate] Add-on have full device access, and selective device access in the configuration. Please report this to the maintainer of Signalk Server

But I don’t have Signal add-on…

How to find what this?



This error message comes from the supervisor validating the add-on configuration, you don’t have to have the add-on installed for this error, you just have to have the repository that the add-on comes from (in this case it’s one of Alex Belgium’s - GitHub - alexbelgium/hassio-addons: My homeassistant addons).

You can figure out what repo it comes from pretty easily, by searching for the ‘Signalk Server’ that it mentions in the add-on store.

It is safe to just ignore this warning (especially if you don’t have the add-on installed). All it’s telling you is that the manifest for the add-on contains both “full_access: true”, which grants the add-on full access to hardware if you install it, and also contains “uart: true” and “usb: true”, which grant it it access only to serial and usb devices. The warning is just that those uart/usb options are being overridden by the full_access being enabled.