I’ve got a few add-ons installed for my own use and it works well because I’m administrator in HA…
Today I installed Grocy which allow manage his fridge. As it’s a family add-on, and I need that the other users (non administrator) access to this add-on too !!
But I realized that only administrator user can see (and access) to add-ons !
Did I miss something to allow “simple” user to see add-on ?
There’s a ‘workaround’ of sorts; You can reverse proxy the Grocy web server and present it via a lovelace website card however there’s a good bit of work in doing this and some features (like camera) may not work.
This is very needed. I have a tablet that I don’t want to have Admin access, but want to mount it on my fridge and use it for Grocy. (and to control my home lights etc)