Add-on Request: catt (Cast All The Things) by skorokithakis


An example of its use:

It may be manually installed in HassOS via ssh:
apk add --no-cache python3
apk add --update py-pip
python3 -m pip install catt
pip install --upgrade pip

However, it needs to be reinstalled after a reboot.

It would be nice to have it as an add-on in its own docker container.

There is an option using the ssh addon.

Works well. See that thread on how to avoid the cast start sound each time.


Would be cool if it was possible to bypass lovelace UI authentication so that you could cast to a device without touch capability (chromecast connected to TV)?

I too strongly feel this would be a good addition, as it would allow Home Assistant users to make use of proprietary “smart displays” which support Google Cast.