Add-on request: EmonCMS

EmonCMS is a great platform to process and visualize timeseries data. They offer a cloud-hosted environment, but have recently announced that they will start charging £1/feed/year for the cloud-hosted stuff. This will raise the need to arrange a self-hosted environment.

An EmonCMS docker already exists. Is anyone willing to create a Hassio add-on for EmonCMS? This will be greatly appreciated.


I second this

Agreed this will be a useful add-on for HASSO,

I am a fan of running things locally - however I am not savvy enough to get my head around docker

I hope this idea gets more interest in HASSIO add-on developers. It would be really useful!

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In the meantime, I have migrated to InfluxDB and Grafana.

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Interesting, maybe open an issue/request on the community add-ons repository?

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This topic is quite old and most of you are probably using another solution like grafana for things relating to data processing and storage, but I am now maintaining an home-assistant addon with Emoncms inside.

Add the following address to the repositories of the add-on store of Home-Assistant :