Add-ons is missing

My add-ons store appears to be completely missing. This is a fresh install.


Fresh install of which method?

Add-ons aren’t included in every method.

Container. Hm, well. How am I able to add ‘add-ons’ do a docker install?

You can’t. With that install type you manage your own containerised applications.

That sucks. I’ll have to go with the Supervised installation then.


It’s not a good choice.

Because I only have one Raspberry Pi4 unfortunately. I’d get another, but they’re being scalped 5x their original price. And I run about 3 services on my Pi currently.

If that doesn’t work out well. I can always use my Windows Server and host a VM on it for HA.

What are the services? Addons are just other services HA users find useful. Like mosquito, Mariadb, vaultwarden/bitwarden, etc. Have you checked if the services you use are available as addons?

Also it will not be a supported supervised install if you install it on Raspbian.

PiHole, Wireguard, and OpenMediaVault

Hm. Got stuck on OpenMediaVault. I can’t find an addon for that one anywhere in the forum.

Wireguard is easy, it’s available OOTB in the community add-ons store. Click this to install it:
Open your Home Assistant instance and show the dashboard of a Supervisor add-on.

Pi-Hole used to be available in the community add-ons store. However it has been deprecated in favor of Adguard Home. Can click the button below to install Adguard Home:
Open your Home Assistant instance and show the dashboard of a Supervisor add-on.

If you really want to use pi-hole and another adblocking DNS server won’t do then you can still install the pi-hole addon as a local addon by using the remote development guide. Basically just clone the repo into /addons and then install it from there. It has been deprecated for some time though so you may find things are out of date.

But yea lack of OpenMediaVault is probably a dealbreaker. If you’re comfortable doing some development and you can find a docker image for it somewhere then you can probably make it into one but I realize that might be more work then you want to put into this.

In that case container install is the right approach. At least if you want a supported system. If you have a an HA system with addons (supervised or OS) having any software running which wasn’t started by HA isn’t supported. That includes other containers.