Add option for switching places of target and current temperature in the new climate cards

Thank you for the update. Let’s have our fingers crossed now on a good outcome.

How can you become a beta tester ? ( I like to see how remarks and requests are treated during the Beta testing)

You don’t have to be part of the beta program to see the beta discussion (though it would help, and we do need more testers). Just join the Discord channel,

Here’s how you enable beta updates:

Settings → System → Updates → → Join Beta Channel.

Make sure you have backups off your system before installing beta updates. The testing starts last Wednesday of the month. They rarely cause issues that a simple rollback of version via the command line can be done, rather than a backup restore. But best to be safe.

Having said that the frontend discussion all occurs here: home-assistant/frontend · Discussions · GitHub

Thanks! I will give it a try.

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I hope they really think about changing this back, or give the option, but the most annoying thing about is on mobile, I now only see the set temperature.
This is completely pointless, as I don’t change the set temp every half hour, but I want to see the current temperature at a glance … now I need two cards (thermostat & temperature) for every room! …

I’ve got the exact same situation - 3 thermostats side by side in a horizontal stack, and only the set temperature is shown on mobile; the set temperature is regulated by the smart thermostat itself on a program so i never change it by myself…

Just wanted to report this as well. The switch from sm-Variant


to xs-Variant


is too early.

I like the xs-Variant, but only when there is really no size anymore. But the switch is too early in regards to existing space.

In my grid-places there is nearly no screen size, which is displaying the sm variant. Because then I’m already in a size, where I have one more lovelace-column and again a size, where the xs is used.


That’s interesting…


So what is your proposed solution to the problem stated above that some of us have which regulate each room separately (so we have more than one thermostat in hass)? Is it to have each thermostat full width? This is my view on mobile, where i had to add the current temperature in addition to thermostats:

And no, the solution is not to have them one below the other, because I want to see them at the same time. Again, we are not talking about some new request - we are talking about something that worked fine before this change.

Alas, like tom_l, you are only trying to establish that your use case is the only logical one. If you have no need for the functionality some of us are missing, why are you posting on this feature request?

Talking about it showing duct temperature as actual.

Nope, my old controller (which was similar to one of the above) used the room temp as measured at the controller in the room. It was Tom that said his is from the duct.

Please don’t misquote me.

My point was that your use case is not the only one. The most important thing to see for some people is the set point.

Also, the thermostats I have:


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Yes we established that there is no standard many posts ago.
Just going round in circles now.

Sorry for misquote.

So basically we agree, the best solution is to have both options via switch in GUI, since there is obviously a need for both use cases?


Exactly. That is why the FR is called “add option for switching places”, and not “switch places”. Personally I still fail to see a single logical use case where the target temperature would be more relevant (even if some manufacturers make thermostats that way), but if someone wants to have it like that (for whatever reason, I guess habit mostly) why not. But the rest of us shouldn’t be forced to use it that way, or be forced to use 3rd party cards, just to get this one little change that has a huge impact on productivity

Unfortunately as I explained earlier, the devs are usually reluctant to add options for every setting as it requires an inordinate amount of time to support. It’s likely going to be one or the other. And you folks have been yelling the loudest.

It will be interesting to see if an opposing group forms when the changes are made next year.

Why was it then the other way round in the past?

I didn’t see feature requests with unlimited votes to change change this. If there were, I would understand and accept of course.

And as i’m a option-fan: Just give the users the choice (checkbox which is main info) and everyone is happe, esp. with such boolean-changes from old to new card.


Not all requests are on this forum. Discord is where the devs seem to hang out the most. Plus there is a feature request section on GitHub where proper FR’s should be put.

You are obviously not a dev… I have been, for a long time. Adding one property and a if statement in a template, does not require an inordinate amount of time to support. We are really not asking for much effort here. When a day after a release 50+ people are screaming that it’s no good, you swallow your pride and fix it. It’s a part of the job…