Add option to restore flat control buttons to 2023.12 thermostat card

The new thermostat card “feature” buttons take up lots of space due to the way they stretch to fill available space. In addition, the use of state button colour is extremely distracting when you have many (e.g. 5-8) thermostats on one page.

Please add the ability to restore the flat centred buttons like we’ve seen in the previous design. The foreground colour changing to indicate state (e.g. the flame going orange) is enough.

When you have all the grey/orange rings and then all the orange/grey stretched buttons it really is extremely difficult to quickly see the state of your thermostats and heating.

In an ideal world, a theme that restores the previous look of where the buttons were previously located would be preferable, as this feels so much more logical.

Additional discussion here: Add option for switching places of target and current temperature in the new climate cards - #22 by pwps


The style is in keeping with the style of the new tile cards, so I’m not sure this will get much traction.

Apparently Tile cards are the way of the future for Home Assistant dashboards as it will allow the much asked for “drag and drop” positioning of cards.

Note: I am not saying your idea is bad, just that it is unlikely to happen.

If you really hate it, you may be able to do something with card-mod.

Also don’t forget to vote for your own request.

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I’m going to vote for this one as.

options are good. Especially in something as ubiquitous as the default thermostat

But I would also like to address one issue I have with it.

Its not unfortunately. You need to consider color limited or vision limited users. Basically it comes down to you can’t rely on one subtle visual element to convey a state change.

Someone who has 100%colorblindneas may not notice a color state change. Color AND a sudden border sure but not color alone. (I used to review these things for a living and that point would have got your request kicked back, don’t want yours kicked for the same reason)

Soap box complete. Continue the discussion.

That is understandable reasoning.
I won’t be using Tile cards either. The UI design is flawed. Using the attention colours on the backgrouds of the buttons is just plain wrong. With those the dashboards begin looking like Hongkong or Tokyo by night. Some may like it, likely most won’t and a measurable fact is that such is distracting.
And changing the colours via themes does not really help much when the icons are black or white.
Changing the backgrounds to transparent or to very mild colors, and using the main colours on the icons would be good enough for me.
Or making an option for swapping front/background colours of the buttons :wink:

Same here.
At first I liked the upgraded design, however…

  • The cards are way bigger than the previous ones, resulting in my dashboard designs are completely …… up.
  • The bigger sliders are indeed nice to look at but they take up so much space that the current temperature is way smaller than before, making the only useful information less visible from a distance.
  • The hvac mode buttons are now outside of the card, taking up even more space.
  • Still no humidity values in the card, no possibility for open windows,…

Via HACS, better thermostat is at this point the better option but is still flawed as well. (As in they look better, but don’t work in every situation in my case)

New designs are great, but I think they should first invest a bit of time in making it possible to resize cards in the frontend first so that the user can make them fit in every configuration.