Add password protection to automated snapshot

Is it possible to add a password protection to an automated snapshop (like it is possible if you to it manually)?

This is the automation without password protection:

- alias: Autobackup
  initial_state: 'on'
    platform: time
    at: '0:01:00'
  - service: hassio.snapshot_full
      name: Automated Backup {{ now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d') }}

Don’t know but I would advise against encrypting your snapshots. Twice in the past month or so someone has asked how to get access to the files inside an encrypted backup without doing a complete restore and the answer has basically been - you can’t.

Ok, thanks good to know.

I restart this discussion …very very late
But the subject is 99% in plain of my question…

I have many backup (rclone, samba …) functional à 100%
but the file in TAR format can be opened by anyone (in theory) because no encryption (no password)

So I have put password in this backup and after new backup may be encrypted (so impossible to open without password …)
Or it appears these backup still not encrypted and still possible to open

Does I have not understand anything ?

IIRC it’s the .gz files inside the .tar that are encrypted not the tar itself.