Add Plex Library to media in home assistant?

How does one do this?

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Any ideas?

I’ve been wondering about this for months. Just found out myself. It’s probably already added when you add the Plex integration. But it’s only shown for compatible players.

The default player is your browser and it doesn’t show plex. If you switch to a chromecast (my living room tv for instance) It will show plex.

I feel utterly stupid…

Some pictures for guidance:


i was just wondering why plex was gone from media sources in HA but is just not visible with a non compatible player. thanks :see_no_evil:

Ya basically how do you force it to just work

How do you mean “force it to just work”?

It works as long as you select a compatible player

Can I use custom browser and play things not compatible with my browser through that and just open it on my browser or something? Is there some sort of work around?

If you are already inside the browser, Why not open plex directly at ?

What are you trying to achieve? I don’t understand what the request is? It seems the browser, as a player, is not compatible with the plex integration.

Maybe if you explain

  • What your setup is
  • What you are trying to achieve
  • Other important context of the situation

We can try to help or point you in the direction of workarounds

I’m trying to add specific movies or episodes from my plex Library to the dashboard. I thought maybe I could find a way to do that.

Still don’t quite understand what the point would be of “adding specific movies or episodes … to the dashboard” After adding them I assume you would want to click them and play them somewhere? that will be hard without a compatible player.

Or do you mean something like this?:

Another option I just saw. If you install the plex app on your computer, the plex integration will add that device as a player to home assistant by default. If you select that player it will show your plex library. But it still won’t add anything to you dashboard

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Just set it up as a DLNA server (checkbox in plex) and add it as a DLNA server integration. It will then show up in Media Browser…


So this actually did exactly what I want but it doesn’t seem to want to play for some reason… or gives me errors about the dla server or something or php something. Probably should have screen capture it.

Dms server*

Have not experienced. Post log entry if you can?

Server disconnected: UpnpConnectionTimeoutError(’’, None)

And dms disconnected

It’s still happening idk, ive restarted

I’m not going to be much more help. Do you have the plex integration working? DLNA enabled on the Plex server? If so, HA should actually find it automatically and allow you to set up.

I use https so it won’t work.

This would be brilliant if the home assistant app had a media entity created to see Plex folders/playlist.
I have been working on my homeassistant for two years,
I can play radio to my hass app & chrome casts,
Plex playlists to chrome casts,
But the only thing missing is playlist to home assistant app

A long time ago I made this card to play Plex playlists to Chromecast and hass app players,
The home assistant app media player entity is the last peace in the puzzle

Please would someone look in to see if it’s even possible