Add Search, Favorites and Recent to Radio Browser

just found this: GitHub - lukx/home-assistant-jukebox: Home-Assistant Radio Station and Stream Selector Card

I agree that the features in the original post are needed to make the Radio Browser useful. The card recommended by rbric looked as if it might give a workaround but, it seems, is not recommended for HAOS and triggers warnings about using it there.

Where do you see this warning?

It doesn’t specify HAOS but Download | HACS talks about other versions (Supervised, Container and Core) and adds If you are not sure what type of Home Assistant you are using, then you should probably not use HACS (or any other custom integration)

He is just saying that HACS is not for simpletons. You need to be able to read and follow instructions.

Also the instructions are there for haos.

For the radio browser, perhaps I missed it but I cannot for the life of me find a search box. I am trying to play a radio called Frisky Deep (not Frisky, nor Frisky Chill - but Frisky Deep).

WOuld it be possible to add a search box please so I can find instantly what am looking for. Its amusing going through the counties pages and music genres - and still not finding what am looking for.

Please, my kingdom for an autocomplete radio station search box !


Make your favorite buttons

It is frustrating to find a radio station in the media browser even though it is sorted alphabetically. Each folders contain too many items. If we know the radio station we desire to listen to, perhaps it should be searchable with a search bar?

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Whals my site.](Play Radio Browser via Home Assistant -

This works great. I know this might be pushing it but it’s there any way to send an image to the player? I have a Google home hub which plays the radio station from the button but it doesn’t get the image of the radio station and instead just shows a screen staying Default Music player.

Hi all,

I want to add my vote: Radio browser is great, but it should be more integrated in the whole HA. The ability to add favorites or some kind of playlist/subset And a standard card to play those radio stations (not only to external media devices, but also in the browser) would be a very valuable addition.

I am coming from domoticz+ dashticz. Over there it was a standard block/card. Streamplayer — Dashticz beta documentation

I have this for a few years, making my dashboard an internet radio.
Hope HA is adding this soon.