The nest component provided you with an HVAC status sensor. It would be nice to have a similar sensor for ecobee based on equipmentStatus.
Just found this old post.
Having a sensor for the ecobee will help in understanding when the equipment is turned on.
It’s something missing from the ecobee lineup in home assistant.
Having access to see and trend the actual status of what equipment is running at any given time (Fan, cooling, heating) is badly needed for this component. To just do basic control and change temperature, what’s there now will do, but to do any actual analysis of energy usage and optimization, knowing what the HVAC unit is actually doing is absolutely vital.
This is from my sensor.yaml file:
- platform: template
friendly_name: 'HVAC'
value_template: '{{ states.climate.thermostat.attributes.operation }}'
This sensor shows the current operation of the system such as Heat, fan, humidifier, etc.