i think the AVM FRITZ!Box Tools
Integration does not provide these details. However you could use AppDaemon or Pyscript to update a sensor.
Please be aware that the login info for your FritzBox is needed for that, which might introduce a security risk. I would definitely recommend to create a separate user inside your fritzbox (System > Fritz!Box Users) for that use case.
The following script could be a starting point, however it currently lacks the final implementation to create/update a HA sensor.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Get a sid (session ID) via PBKDF2 based challenge response algorithm.
Fallback to MD5 if FRITZ!OS has no PBKDF2 support.
AVM 2020-09-25
edited on 2024-10-14 to obtain vpn info and send it to HA
import sys
import json
import hashlib
import time
import urllib.request
import urllib.parse
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
LOGIN_SID_ROUTE = "/login_sid.lua?version=2"
def get_fritzbox_data(url:str, sid:str) -> dict[str, any]:
# Define the URL
url = f'{url}/data.lua'
# Define the headers
headers = {
'Accept': '*/*',
'Accept-Language': 'de-DE,de;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7',
'Connection': 'keep-alive',
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Origin': f'http://{url}',
'Referer': f'http://{url}/',
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 16_6 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/16.6 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1'
# Define the data
data = {
'xhr': '1',
'sid': sid,
'lang': 'de',
'page': 'overview',
'xhrId': 'all',
'useajax': '1',
'no_sidrenew': ''
data_encoded = urllib.parse.urlencode(data).encode('utf-8')
req = urllib.request.Request(url, data=data_encoded, headers=headers)
response = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
response_data = response.read().decode('utf-8')
class LoginState:
def __init__(self, challenge: str, blocktime: int):
self.challenge = challenge
self.blocktime = blocktime
self.is_pbkdf2 = challenge.startswith("2$")
def get_sid(box_url: str, username: str, password: str) -> str:
""" Get a sid by solving the PBKDF2 (or MD5) challenge-response
state = get_login_state(box_url)
except Exception as ex:
raise Exception("failed to get challenge") from ex
if state.is_pbkdf2:
print("PBKDF2 supported")
challenge_response = calculate_pbkdf2_response(state.challenge, password)
print("Falling back to MD5")
challenge_response = calculate_md5_response(state.challenge, password)
if state.blocktime > 0:
print(f"Waiting for {state.blocktime} seconds...")
sid = send_response(box_url, username, challenge_response)
except Exception as ex:
raise Exception("failed to login") from ex
if sid == "0000000000000000":
raise Exception("wrong username or password")
return sid
def get_login_state(box_url: str) -> LoginState:
""" Get login state from FRITZ!Box using login_sid.lua?version=2 """
url = box_url + LOGIN_SID_ROUTE
http_response = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
xml = ET.fromstring(http_response.read())
# print(f"xml: {xml}")
challenge = xml.find("Challenge").text
blocktime = int(xml.find("BlockTime").text)
return LoginState(challenge, blocktime)
def calculate_pbkdf2_response(challenge: str, password: str) -> str:
""" Calculate the response for a given challenge via PBKDF2 """
challenge_parts = challenge.split("$")
# Extract all necessary values encoded into the challenge
iter1 = int(challenge_parts[1])
salt1 = bytes.fromhex(challenge_parts[2])
iter2 = int(challenge_parts[3])
salt2 = bytes.fromhex(challenge_parts[4])
# Hash twice, once with static salt...
hash1 = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac("sha256", password.encode(), salt1, iter1)
# Once with dynamic salt.
hash2 = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac("sha256", hash1, salt2, iter2)
return f"{challenge_parts[4]}${hash2.hex()}"
def calculate_md5_response(challenge: str, password: str) -> str:
""" Calculate the response for a challenge using legacy MD5 """
response = challenge + "-" + password
# the legacy response needs utf_16_le encoding
response = response.encode("utf_16_le")
md5_sum = hashlib.md5()
response = challenge + "-" + md5_sum.hexdigest()
return response
def send_response(box_url: str, username: str, challenge_response: str) -> str:
""" Send the response and return the parsed sid. raises an Exception on error """
# Build response params
post_data_dict = {"username": username, "response": challenge_response}
post_data = urllib.parse.urlencode(post_data_dict).encode()
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
url = box_url + LOGIN_SID_ROUTE
# Send response
http_request = urllib.request.Request(url, post_data, headers)
http_response = urllib.request.urlopen(http_request)
# Parse SID from resulting XML.
xml = ET.fromstring(http_response.read())
return xml.find("SID").text
def logout(box_url: str, sid: str) -> bool:
""" Send the logout requests to deactiate the session-id immediatly """
# Build response params
post_data_dict = {"logout": "", "sid": sid}
post_data = urllib.parse.urlencode(post_data_dict).encode()
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}
url = box_url + LOGIN_SID_ROUTE
# Send response
http_request = urllib.request.Request(url, post_data, headers)
http_response = urllib.request.urlopen(http_request)
# Parse SID from resulting XML.
xml = ET.fromstring(http_response.read())
return xml.find("SID").text == '0000000000000000' # will return True if logged out successfully
def main():
url = "http://fritz.box" # the url of your router, can be an ip-address as well
username = "MYUSERNAME" # the username; in the FritzBox Admin Panel go to: "System" > "Fritz!Box-Users". The username usually starts with "fritz..."
password = "MYPASSWORD" # the password to log into the admin console; usually written somewhere on the back of your fritzbox
# 1) Log into the fritzbox
sid = get_sid(url, username, password)
print(f"Successful login for user: {username}")
# 2) Access all your current data as json
data = get_fritzbox_data(url=url, sid=sid)
# 3) Parse the relevant vpn information
vpn_status = {vpn['name']:vpn['led'] for vpn in data['data']['vpn']['elements']}
# vpn_status is a dict with all vpn connections, e.g.: {"my_wireguard_connection1": "1", "my_wireguard_connection2": "0" , ...}
# print all vpn connection and their status
for k,v in vpn_status.items():
print(f"VPN Connection with name {k} is {'being used' if(v=='1') else 'not being used'} at the moment.")
# 4) Logout / deactive the session-id
logout_state = logout(box_url=url, sid=sid)
print("You are logged out now!")
# 5) Set the current vpn status
for k,v in vpn_status.items():
print(f"VPN Connection with name {k} is {'being used' if(v=='1') else 'not being used'} at the moment.")
#### TODO ###
#### set the sensor value using AppDaemon here ###
if __name__ == "__main__":