+1 - this would be a great function
I have the same problem
The xiaomi integration become disconnected after 2 hours
Hi all, the same for me.
I have 2 Xiaomi gateway: one of them is disconnected from home assistant after a couple of hours. I can reload this integration manually through UI.
The other one is always connected.
Can you help me write down an automatic reload of integration every 2 hours?
The @Mariusthvdb integration.reload didn’t work
That’s because it doesn’t exist… hence the feature request
To reset the IKEA connection automatically, I’m using this in an automation:
- alias: "Keep IKEA running"
mode: single
description: 'Check IKEA HUB down'
- platform: state
entity_id: switch.kerstverlichting # use any entity that is an IKEA device
to: unavailable
for: 00:05:00
condition: []
- service: rest_command.reload_ikea
data: {}
An this in the configuration.yaml
url: http://[IP]:8123/api/config/config_entries/entry/[Config Entry]/reload
method: POST
authorization: 'Bearer [Long-Lived Access Token]’
content-type: 'application/json'
IP: is your home assistant IP
Config Entry: is the unique config entry for your Tradfri and can be found in your directory config/.storage/core.config_entries. Search for Tradfri and use code Identity
Long-Lived Access Token can be created in the HA menu under your instance name
that would be very nice, but unfortunately I can not get it to work, keep getting the client error. using either http or https.
also tried the https://homeassistant:8123
variant, which works fine in rest sensors, same error though.
method: POST
authorization: !secret api_bearer_token
content-type: application/json
identity as found in:
"entry_id": "377entry_id951",
"version": 1,
"domain": "tradfri",
"title": "",
"data": {
"gateway_id": "7Gatewayherea2",
"host": "",
"identity": "00identity3c7edc4ff", ##<<-----------
"import_groups": false,
"options": {},
"system_options": {
"disable_new_entities": false
"source": "zeroconf",
"connection_class": "unknown",
"unique_id": "66:UN:iQ:UE:ID:6D"
BIG +1 from me
would be great to have this service available
!secret api_bearer_token
Make sure this secret does not only contain the config entry that you have looked up, but also the wordt ’ Bearer’. Maybe it is already correct in your secret file, but I made the mistake myself before.
An example in het REST call would be:
authorization: 'Bearer xxxxxxxxxxxxxx’, where x is your code
yes, it does, I use it for many other rest sensors too. Also I have tried it with the full token in the config, with the same result.
but wait, what do you say now:
this secret does not only contain the config entry
? it should not contain the config entry shouldn’t it, it should contain the bearer token…?
Sorry, my bad. Of course the bearer token. But also the word bearer in front of it.
ok no worries, and yes, I have Bearer
shark_restart: "/usr/bin/curl -X 'POST' -H 'authorization: Bearer <token>' http://localhost:8123/api/config/config_entries/entry/b11d6ff3d1b17655fcba7649d1703d70/reload"
alias: SharkIQ
description: ''
- platform: state
entity_id: vacuum.baby_shark
to: unavailable
for: '00:05:00'
condition: []
- service: shell_command.shark_restart
data: {}
mode: single
Does the job for me (where <token> is long lived token I’ve generated in profile section)
@dmatora: any ideas what I am doing wrong as this is not working? I would guess it has to do with my https URL or the fact that I am on Ubuntu with a supervised install? Thanks.
shark_restart: "/usr/bin/curl -X 'POST' -H 'authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhNhNTU5Mjg5OSIsImlhdCI6MTYxMDM5MDcyMywiZXhwIjoxOTI1NzUwNzIzfQ.51pmUUiCAuYLNuIKVRrYVZ2bVBsd7eijkbfPhEPO3jY'"
All codes have been replaced by dummy ones.
I would suggest to install ssh addon, run your command in terminal in sidebar and see what is it complaining about. Otherwise I would try
- replacing https with http
- replacing with localhost
- make sure you are using long lived token you’ve generated in profile section
- make sure you are using correct integration id (capture it using chrome inspector while reloading your integration from gui)
make sure you are using correct integration id (capture it using chrome inspector while reloading your integration from gui)
how exactly do we do that?
Click Reload on integration settings while checking Network tab on Chrome inspector
thx, so reloading IKEA Tradfri results in this:
what does that teach me on the integration id to use in the shell_command?
Click on network request line and check request url
thanks, though still somewhat confused because I dont see a ‘network request line’, a column called ‘Name’ is displayed, in which a line ‘reload’ appears upon reloading…
clicking reload, makes the right field show General, Response headers, and Request headers. Under General, I can see the Request URL, under Response headers the content-type is shown, and under Request Headers the authorization is displayed.
Which makes it possible indeed to collect all necessary field for the rest_command:
url: https://mydomain.duckdns.org:port/api/config/config_entries/entry/3770284redacted51/reload
method: POST
authorization: !secret api_bearer_token
content-type: application/json
Also, the post by @Henk72 contains 1 significant typo, that caused my mishaps unto now
the [Config Entry] should be the data in the top line, ‘entry_id’ field in the config/.storage/core.config_entries and not the Identity field.
to make it a bit more flexible, I use a template in the rest_command url (stored in secrets) and an input_select:
name: 'Select Integration:'
- Gdacs
- Ikea
- Ipp
- Life360
- Luftdaten Rotterdam P
- Luftdaten Rotterdam T
- Luftdaten Tilburg P
- Luftdaten Tilburg T
- Owntracks
- Philips Hue 1
- Philips Hue 2
- Plugwise
- Plex
- Synology Dsm
- Weatherbit
initial: Weatherbit
alias: Reload integration
mode: restart
service: rest_command.reload_integration
entry_id: >
{% set mapper =
'Luftdaten Rotterdam P':'c6aredacted1',
'Luftdaten Rotterdam T':'01redacted12e',
'Luftdaten Tilburg P':'9redacted09c',
'Luftdaten Tilburg T':'85redacted1bf8',
'Philips Hue 1':'7afbredactedc5',
'Philips Hue 2':'aredacted31e',
'Synology Dsm':'fd8redacted367',
'Weatherbit':'79aredacted5c'} %}
{% set state = states('input_select.select_integration') %}
{% set id = mapper[state] if state in mapper %}
url: !secret reload_integration_url #https://mydomain.duckdns.org:port/api/config/config_entries/entry/37redacted1951/reload
method: POST
authorization: !secret api_bearer_token
content-type: application/json
payload: >
in secrets, have the url be:
reload_integration_url: https://mydomain.org:port/api/config/config_entries/entry/{{entry_id}}/reload
entity_picture: >
var path = '/local/images/integrations/';
return state.includes('Luftdaten')
? path + 'luftdaten.png'
: state.includes('Philips') ? path + 'hue.png'
: path + state.toLowerCase() + '.png';
only thing is I dont see a confirmation box yet, so not sure if everything works no errors either
can confirm the above setup to work meanwhile, so for the time being this will do.