Add services for jewish_calendar

The jewish_calendar integration has one big limitation: It only exposes information about today (plus erev_* and motzei_*).

However, now that services can send responses, we can lift this limitation.

Can you please add 2 services?

  • jewish_calendar.get_hebrew_date should respond with the HDate instance for the given date.
  • jewish_calendar.get_zmanim should respond with the Zmanim instance for the given date.

Both of these should accept a date as input.

This would be extremely useful to write automations to prepare for Yom Tov, or to test / preview logic that is supposed to run on Yom Tov based on sensors (doing that would involve lots of templates).

In fact, you could also add a jewish_calendar.next_holiday service that returns the HDate and regular Python datetime of the next upcoming holiday.
It should take 2 optional paramters:

  • filter (name or type) to only retrieve specific holidays; this should support substring matching.
  • after to return the next holiday after a given date (in the past or future).
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