Add support for Fibaro RGBW

Please add support for Fibaro RGBW controller, openzwave control panel shows the fibre controller correct, i can change brightness, color, what i need. But in Home Assistant it shows me only a bunch of switches.

I’ve got the Fibaro RGBW Controller and Home Assistant is showing the color palette correctly. I can change color and brightness.
What I can’t do is control the device automatically by using light.turn_on and the rgb_color command… and that’s a bummer.

I’m also interested in Fibaro RGBW support, as I plan to use it in my z-wave based home automation system.

@Jojojo you can switch it on and change color, i do it with this snippet

- service: light.turn_on
    entity_id: light.kitchen_underground_switch_level_25_0_2
    rgb_color: [255,0,0]
    brightness: 120 

@SmaginPV It is working, i had also starter problems with this thing because it add so much switches for the rgbw modul. But you only need the second one (for me it was kitchen_underground_switch_level_25_0_2). This one can control the color picker and brightness and works great.

After i found the correct light switch for changing color i could use it in automation and scripts.

Hi skycryer, that’s just brilliant! I tried that a couple of weeks ago but didn’t manage to get it to work properly. Must have done something wrong, I’ll try it again soon.

But, that command can’t control the white channel, I suppose? Say I want it to go from any color to 100% white… how would that code look? Just light.on on the white channel and 0,0,0 at the rgb command?

You should be able to control white with just adding

white_value: 0....255

And and value, like I did in my sample for brightness. You can find all possible options in the dev tools services on the left sidebar in the ui. The switch to light.turn_on and see what all is possible.

Hope that helps

How did u configure the RGB controller in OZWCP?

Standard it is on NORMAL DIMIMER what is totally freaky for a RGBW controller :stuck_out_tongue: I will check several Assosiacions and give some feedback after

So I just got mine set up. This is my first attempt at LEDs so Im not sure if I did something wrong but Im quite confused about how to control a strip with this.

When I paired it with HA, 5 entities show up:

- light.fibaro_system_fgrgbwm441_rgbw_controller_level_15_0_2
- light.fibaro_system_fgrgbwm441_rgbw_controller_level_15_0_3
- light.fibaro_system_fgrgbwm441_rgbw_controller_level_15_0_4
- light.fibaro_system_fgrgbwm441_rgbw_controller_level_15_0_5
- light.fibaro_system_fgrgbwm441_rgbw_controller_level_15_0_6

Each one seems to turn on a different color but I cant figure out what the differnce is otherwise. How should I be controlling it?

@thundergreen i did not configure anything, just defaults

@halpplz, i also have around 5 switches after adding the rub thing to home assistant. 3 of them can switch off the rgb channels, but you do not need them. For me it was just the second one i need to control the colours. The rest of the switches could be ignored, one is for brightness i think and one for switching on and off. But that all will be handled by the one you need to find out wich one is right. This one can switch on/off, set color and brightness. And thats all, with this one you can do your automations and whatever else you need.


I’m also struggling with the fibaro rgbw module.
I have six entities.
light.led_strip_tv_level_5_0 -> Main switch also controlles the brightness but no colorpicker


All the others just have only a switch to turn it off or on.

Any ideas ?


I have the color picker, but its completely dead. Its not able to change the color. In the OZWCP I selected the RGB option. Has anyone an idea what could be wroung?

Thanks guys!

This now appears to be ok, though there are some caveats