Add Support for Fujitsu wireless Air Conditioning control app - FGLair

I just created a pull request to enable economy mode.

My first contribution to any open source project, but it was quite easy with all the documentation that was available.

can anyone confirm to me if this integration is still working?

do I need to be on the same network than the ac unit to set it up ? I’ve already made all the steps on the instructions but I cant make the entity to show up.

(I’m currently not on the same network as my ac units are but I can use them via the FGlair app on the phone)

Error while setting up fglair_heatpump_controller platform for climate
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 281, in _async_setup_platform
    await asyncio.shield(task)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/concurrent/futures/", line 58, in run
    result = self.fn(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
  File "/config/custom_components/fglair_heatpump_controller/", line 77, in setup_platform
    add_entities(FujitsuClimate(fglairapi, dsn) for dsn in devices)
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 353, in _schedule_add_entities
  File "/config/custom_components/fglair_heatpump_controller/", line 77, in <genexpr>
    add_entities(FujitsuClimate(fglairapi, dsn) for dsn in devices)
  File "/config/custom_components/fglair_heatpump_controller/", line 98, in __init__
    self._swing_mode = self.swing_mode
  File "/config/custom_components/fglair_heatpump_controller/", line 201, in swing_mode
    _LOGGER.debug("FujitsuClimate swing vertical settings: %s", self._fujitsu_device.af_vertical_swing['value'])
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable

I had the same problem. I found that the way I turned the climate off had an impact. If I used the sevice call


then I would have to restart HA to get it working properly again.
However, if I use

  • service: climate.set_hvac_mode
    hvac_mode: ‘off’
    entity_id: climate.ac_uty_a0cc2b33f827

Then it seems to work!

i’m currently using the app from brasil but all the apps from the list do not connect… any suggestions ?

Yes, this integration is still working. Don’t have to be on the same network since the API is hosted in the cloud.

Hi there,
Your solution worked well for a few days for me, now I am facing also the problem, that I can switch to any mode but not to “heat”. The code I am using for the service differs slightly, but is also processed. Any idea?

service: climate.set_hvac_mode
    - climate.ac_room1
    - climate.ac_room2
  hvac_mode: "off"

A restart of home assistant works for me, if that is a solution…

As often, that was also the solution for me. Thanks for the quick replay!

I am using the scheduler integration, that - let’s say - has not “used” the service as it was not running. Now after the restart, also the scheduler is using the service.

How about the idea of restarting HA once a day. Do you think that this would avoid service failures?

Hi all,

I know I might be reviving a thread that has been going on for a long time, however it seems Fujitsu is moving away from the FGLair app and towards a newly developped AIRSTAGE application available for Apple and Android. It seems to be released in N America and Europe at the moment.
Since the integration this thread is about, is functioning for the FGLair app, I am hoping someone already tried integrating the new App.
Interestingly, it seems there is an option out of the box for local connections that can be made as it is an option shown during the setup of an account + devices. As seen here:

source: Airstage mobile setup


+1 on AIRSTAGE mobile, just had a few heat pumps installed and hoping to integrate with HA. Happy to test any integration or sniff the Wi-Fi protocol from the mobile app


+1 on Airstage

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I am also +1 on Airstage but as an alternative I would prefer to control the devices locally.

At least the WH3E modules provide an access point the Airstage-app can connect to do “direct control” mode. But I managed to extract the api calls and those also work on their permanently connected lan address. As far as I can see those are even stateless so no authentication or “syncing” process required.

If anyone could include them into an existing plugin or framework I would be happy to provide them!

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Please keep me posted on further development. I have one of the new Wireless LAN cards, TFSXH3 that only pair with the Airstage. therefore no linkage into HA etc. Let me know if you need any help testing.

Have you tried the Airstage adapter with GitHub - deiger/AirCon: Scripts for controlling Air Conditioners, e.g. with HiSense modules. as it may use the same local protocol as FGLair??

Do you have any snippets of the API you can share as it may be similar to some of the other AC implementations??

Yes, I tried the Aircon way previously but while Airstage seems to be a completely independent ecosystem no api code worked for sign in.
What exactly do you mean with “Airstage adapter”? Not sure if I missed anything.

Basic examples regarding local control on WH3E modules are like those:

  • system state
curl -vv -X POST --data '{"device_id":"${DEVICE_ID}","device_sub_id":0,"req_id":"","modified_by":"","set_level":"03","list":["iu_wifi_led","iu_af_inc_hrz","iu_af_inc_vrt","iu_indoor_tmp","iu_outdoor_tmp","iu_hmn_det","iu_main_ver","iu_eep_ver","iu_has_upd_main","iu_has_upd_eep","iu_fld_set80"]}' 'http://${LAN_IP}/GetParam'
  • mode set
curl -vv -X POST --data '{"device_id":"
${DEVICE_ID}","device_sub_id":0,"req_id":"","modified_by":"","set_level":"03","list":["iu_onoff","iu_op_mode","iu_fan_spd","iu_set_tmp","iu_af_dir_vrt","iu_af_swg_vrt","iu_af_dir_hrz","iu_af_swg_hrz","ou_low_noise","iu_fan_ctrl","iu_hmn_det_auto_save","iu_min_heat","iu_powerful","iu_economy","iu_err_code","iu_demand","iu_fltr_sign_reset"]}' 'http://${LAN_IP}/GetParam'
  • on/off (previous mode):
curl -vv -X POST --data '{"device_id":"${DEVICE_ID}","device_sub_id":0,"req_id":"","modified_by":"","set_level":"02","value":{"iu_onoff":"[[1|0]]"}}' 'http://${LAN_IP}/SetParam'

I have just got an Airstage WLAN dongle (I couldn’t find an FGLair adapter for my ducted unit)

Have you made any progress on the local control API?

I was going to start having a hack of this but am quite new to this.

Thank you for this, it looks like you might be able to make it work if someone has any experience with these things. We would really need this integration, as the new models won’t connect to FGLair at all. Where can I get the device_id for my devices, so that I can check your api requests instead of getting {"result":"NG","error":"0002"} ?

I have started a new topic to stop us spamming the FGLair topic


Hello gorstj

As you stated, Fujitsu is now promoting several Wifi adapters supported by different wifi apps

The more recent solution is covering a limited number of A/C, with a very limited number of users
The more widely spread solution is integrated in HA and is covering most of fujitsu (and other brands) A/C

The way fujitsu is managing its product roadmap is bad as the new App is not covering existing infrastructure, and it will take a lot of time to be widely used. new users can wait for some time before the critical mass is there

On the other side existing users have no needs but also no possibility to migrate to the new app
(the existing solution allow for a local piloting of the A/C via MQTT…)

This situation/strategy is not respectful for none of fujitsu customers

I contacted an official fujitsu distributor. And no phase out is foreseen on the FGLair compliant devices (they can still be purchased). Can i ask you from where you got this information ?

FGLair adapters are not available in the UK (I have been trying to buy some for a few weeks and only succeeded in buying for one of my new units)

It seems a similar position across Europe that they are moving to Airstage.

I don’t have any official information, only based on the availability from dealers.

My understanding is that the Airstage adapters are available for all their range (certainly slim-duct and wall mount splits)
