March 17, 2022, 6:00pm
I would like to request support for the Mi Smart Standing Fan 2 ( It seems already available in python-miio, just needs to be added to HA as well.
March 22, 2022, 2:00am
There is a custom component with support for a variety of xiaomi fans, including p18: GitHub - syssi/xiaomi_fan: Xiaomi Mi Smart Fan integration for Home Assistant
1 Like
May 1, 2023, 8:44am
Will the be added?
August 20, 2024, 10:33am
just in case others are struggeling with this integration “not working”.
I experienced the same restriction as with Roborock S7 devices, that the fan only accepts commands from local subnet.
So if the HA server is in another ip address range than the fan the following SNAT solution is required:
Sure … but that will be some small text to read
I will expect you to know how to do this …you really should do it in case of a faulty action within the following. - I cannot take any responsibility for breaks in your system
First of all via GUI create firewall group ‘Roborock-NAT’, add your Roborock ip-address (or other affected MIIO device ip) and wait for provisioning to complete.
Then ssh to your USG (NOT …
October 26, 2024, 5:39am
Support for has been added.
← bieniu:xiaomi-miio-fan-p18
opened 02:21PM - 25 Oct 24 UTC
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This PR adds support for Xiaomi Miio Standing Fan 2 (
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