Currently I have about 25 automatons that could be reduced into about 3 if there was support for wildcards in the entity_id field in a trigger…
For e.g. if I could go:
- entity_id: sensor.*_display_app
from: Google News
platform: state
and then reference trigger.entity_id in my action I could send the response back to the device without having to have one for every device.
Still not ideal when you have a lot of sensors with a common name… also I want it to automatically work when I add new devices so I don’t forget to update the automation.
Would also like that, to be able to quickly implement such use cases as "If any entity’s current_temperature attribute that has climate.*tuya in goes below 15.5, send message to phone notifying “Warning: Temperature below 15° in [[Room]]”.
Currently I’d have to search and include all those entities manually by hand
You can solve that by creating a template sensor which has a count of sensors below 15.5 degrees as it’s state, and a list of entities which are below 15.5 degrees as an attribute.
Can’t believe this is not possible…
And to be honest… sometimes I can’t hear anymore “it can be solved by template”.
(Yes, templates are cool, but not for everything).
With wildcard you will have WAY less maintenance to do, If gettin a new device you don’t have to update groups, templates (which you may have forget after a few years), automations or something else, you just have to ensure your entities are named properly when creating.