Add System Status to Roth Touchline integration

Suggestion to add system status to the Roth Touchline integration.
Status is already available in the python library under “get_status” which uses the:
call to the Touchline controller.

Currently one of my thermostats battery is low, causing system status to be “3”:
R0.SystemStatus: 3

I don’t think it can report individually for each thermostat so we will have to settle for a general status for the whole controller.
Even the official app only reports:
“Connection problems help”
“The warning triangle indicates that there are problems with a connection module or thermostat.”

Still think the system status would be useful never the less.

Maybe you want to try my mqtt bridge with HA Auto discovery. I added “no battery” support.

wow that’s a great idea to use no changes to discover disconnected thermostats!
I finally got around to test your bridge, but I can’t get it to connect to my MQTT broker:

# docker run --rm --name heating -e HEATING=roth.lan -e BROKER=homeassistant.lan:1883 -e BROKER_USER=mqtt -e BROKER_PSW=xxxxx aklitzing/heatingmqttbridge
2022/10/03 21:46:50 Connecting... tcp://homeassistant.lan:1883
2022/10/03 21:46:51 Connecting... tcp://homeassistant.lan:1883
2022/10/03 21:46:51 not Authorized

I know the user/password is correct because I use it many other places. Seems like it’s not correctly set in the environment.

My password is only upper, lower and numbers, so no weird special characters.

Oops, thank you! I swapped PSW and USER. :slight_smile: I fixed it in latest version.

wow you are fast!
and wheee it work now!
Thank you :slight_smile:

Will this work with the Touchline SL version?

No the SL is totally different :frowning:

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