Add the ability of setting media attributes on media players when calling media_extractor.play_media or media_player.play_media

I recently made an automation that gives me the ability to search youtube and then play the top result on my google home or Chromecasts. It utilizes the Youtube Data API, node-red, and media_extractor.play_media service. It works pretty well, however, my media players don’t display any thumbnail and the title says Default Media Receiver. From the Youtube API, I can also pull the title of a video as well as the thumbnail URL. I could then pass it back to HA using the same MQTT message as the rest of the data (URL, etc.).

Now what I’m asking is the ability to set/override existing media_player attributes using the play_media services from media_extractor and media_player. The attributes I’m looking to set/override are the following:
entity_picture (all)
media_title (all)

And optionally:
media_artist (music, video)
media_album (music)
media_series_title (tvshow)
media_season (tvshow)
media_episode (tvshow)

IMO it would make media players look much more professional when playing custom files.

I would love to get this feature to work on sonos speakers as well. I think it’s working on chromecasts now. But on sonos it doesn’t work yet.

@fufs I would love to get this feature to work on sonos speakers as well. I think it’s working on chromecasts now. But on sonos it doesn’t work yet. Do you know more?

Any updates on this?

I’d love to be able to pass some metadata to media_player so that I can display it nicely in my Lovelace dashboard using the mini-media-player card

Unfortunately, it didn’t get any traction. I hope that one day it will be added.

Since using the Radio Browser, my Sonos Players didnt expose the Cover of the radio station as entity picture any more. Only if I play favorits from sonos. But I like the Radio Browser much more. So it would be realy great if I could set my own cover picture in case there is no picture exposed from Sonos.