Add the possibility to setup port and host on xmpp


I’m really interesting by using HA with xmpp protocol, but there si no possibility to setup a specific port and a host server which is different from domain.

It seems that sleekxmpp is used, if I understand well and again it seems that it’s allready available in it.

Is it possible to have that two configurations ?

I’m learning how to move from openhab to Home Assistant and xmpp isn’t usable for the moment to me.

Hope it can be done.

Thank you



Nobody use xmpp with tls and Have a different port, host, etc …

In my case I want to use xmpp as I have my own local server.

Is it hard to implement that, I’m not a dev, but if someone give me some clue I can try.

I just modify the and I can send to a host with different port. The problem is now that my self-signed certificate isn’t matching my domain.

Hi Sellig,

I just start with using my own xmpp server and would also need to change the default port.
I know it is a long time ago, but do still remember what you did to change the port in the file?
Or are there any other possibilities to achive this meanwhile?

Thank you!