Add Tuya Device Ventilation System (xfj)

I recently purchased a Pioneer wall mounted ERV ( Pioneer ECOasis 150). It utilizes a re-branded / re-skinned Tuya app, but I was able to successfully get it setup and working with the Tuya Smart Life app (by volcano technologies).

Using the Tuya integration, I am able to add the device to Home Assistant. The issue I am facing is that the Tuya device type (Ventilation System (xfj)-Tuya Developer Platform-Tuya Developer) is not supported by Home Assistant.

Scenes work, but I would prefer to control the device directly via HA. Please add support for the “xfj” device type in the Tuya integration.

Hello mox1,

There are at lease 2 custom_integrations available from Github using the HACS loader that may have what you want. You would have to research them and see…
TuyaLocal and LocalTuya.

This is hard to do without the device diagnostics :).

Could you please provide them?

I’ll see what I can do from there…