Add user/password to HA config to connect to ESPHome on Windows


I run ESPHome on Windows.

When i add a user/password to it, i get an error in Home Assistant.

How can i set user/password informations in esphome.dashboard file to allow Home Assistant to connect to ESPHome server ?

My file look like this right now :

  "version": 1,
  "minor_version": 1,
  "key": "esphome.dashboard",
  "data": {
    "info": {
      "addon_slug": "5c53de3b_esphome",
      "host": "",
      "port": 6052


which file is that? :thinking:

Did you follow this tutorial? :page_facing_up:

Adding where? :mag:

Well, you don’t. You just add the api component to your esphome node yaml so HA can connect to your node :bulb:

Also it is preferable to use noise encryption rather than a password.

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I run a .bat file to launch ESPHome on Windows with that command inside :

cd C:\Program Files\ESPHome
esphome dashboard configuration --user XXX --password XXX

With that the web page of ESPHome ask me a user/password, it’s to prevent an intrusion from my lan.

But Home Assistant can’t access it anymore. It has nothing to do with my esp devices, it’s to get update notifications in Home Assistant and avoid errors in logs.

I’m talking about the “esphome.dashboard” file in …\\ in Home Assistant, for me this file is the config file for Home Assistant to access ESPHome server ?
