Add vertical swing modes of Tasmota IR Communications

Can the vertical (and horizontal) swing modes be added to the standard climate that has now only these: SWING_OFF|The fan is not swinging., SWING_ON|The fan is swinging., SWING_VERTICAL|The fan is swinging vertical., |SWING_HORIZONTAL|The fan is swinging horizontal., SWING_BOTH`|The fan is swinging both horizontal and vertical…

I use the IR Communication - Tasmota and it has these swing modes:
“SwingV” : vertical swing of Fan

  • Auto, Automatic, On, Swing
  • Off, Stop
  • Min, Minimum, Lowest, Bottom, Down
  • Low
  • Mid, Middle, Med, Medium, Centre, Center
  • High, Hi
  • Highest, Max, Maximum, Top, Up

And maybe also the horizontal swing modes can be added:
“SwingH” : horizontal swing of Fan

  • Auto, Automatic, On, Swing
  • Off, Stop
  • LeftMax, Left Max, MaxLeft, Max Left, FarLeft, Far Left
  • Left
  • Mid, Middle, Med, Medium, Centre, Center
  • Right
  • RightMax, Right Max, MaxRight, Max Right, FarRight, Far Right
  • Wide