Add volume parameter to new service tts.speak

The “new” service tts.speak is very cool. It capsules a chime + a tts message + fades currently playing music in the background. This is very convenient and easy to use.
The only thing missing is a service parameter for setting a volume. My default volume (on a sonos) is way too loud. Setting the volume manually before each tts.speak call is cumber-stone.
The lag of this feature currently prevents from me using this service for all my announcements.
Other services that support a volume parameter do not work as well. They only support media sources and not a tts message parameter.

I don’t think those are part of tts.speak service itself. It’s part of sonos integration. I don’t get chimes or fade when using tts.speak on Yamaha Musiccast. I set up a script to prepare the player before sending the tts.speak service call. It includes a volume change. And it saves current state of the device in a scene at the beginning of the script, and restores it at the end of the script. That way it interrupts whatever was playing, changes volume (in my case to louder), waits until the message finishes playing, and changes everything back.

Nevermind… i connected my sonos via Music Assistant not the sonos integration. And there are volume settings inside the Music Assistant web app for announcements per device. So consider this problem done for me. Thanks anyway!