Add wifi to an older roomba

Yes, you already set it passing true as last costructor arg

But maybe there’s something wrong… you could also temporarily add some log here and there to check what’s going on, or even simply the value i.e. if (lazy650Enabled) {ESP_LOGI("roomba", "lazy650Enabled is true");} or unconditionally simply passing the value as variable arg.

Please do share! I am interested in such tutorial.

1 Like

@k8gg, copy and paste in a new tab in Lovelace, I don’t know what can be easiest then that

Specs talk about mA for current and mAh for charge/capacity, so raw values are translated to A/Ah. Also voltage is converted from mV to V.

Experimenting with filters is a good idea… removing translations from component code and leaving raw values flow, eventually manipulated at the filters stage, so that we can easily remove noise.


as soon I add this sensor

- name: "${friendly_name} drive speed"
        unit_of_measurement: "mm/s"
        icon: mdi:speedometer
        accuracy_decimals: 0

I lose the connection with the ESP, any idea?

I see this in the code

			SensorSongNumber				= 36, //24
			SensorSongPlaying				= 37, //25

Would it be possible to use it to play a song when I send the locate command?

void locate() {

I think that @Real-Time-Kodi did something similar…

        else if (command == "locate"){
                uint8_t song[] = {62, 12, 66, 12, 69, 12, 74, 36};
                this->, song, sizeof(song));

Please check you added the related sensor within the lambda return value of the custom sensor.
Pay also attention to the position, i.e. last elem of the return value, last elemn of the sensor array defs

I tried the same and it works, just pushed to the uart branch both changes for keeping raw sensor data with filtering and for locate.

It should be quite easy also to make a translator for playing arduino-like melodies

oh boy :confounded:

I have left this sensor in the config

      - name: "${friendly_name} distance"
        unit_of_measurement: "mm"
        icon: mdi:map-marker-distance
        accuracy_decimals: 0

let me test it :smiley:

I saw that you removed the / 1000.0 from the amper and volt measure
What is supposed to e the unit after this change? mA or A?

This way sensors expose raw data, mA, mAh, mV, in order to be enriched/filtered with something like

I’ve updated the relevant example at ESPHomeRoombaComponent/roomba.yaml at 874c74b7da662f183eef946dd9431ace963e5a6a · davidecavestro/ESPHomeRoombaComponent · GitHub

Please note the '“multiply: 0.001” in the example above, which translates from mX to X

Lovely, I’m sharing back the UI, if someone would like to re-use it

type: vertical-stack
  - type: vertical-stack
    title: roomba-control
      - type: horizontal-stack
          - show_name: true
            show_icon: true
            type: button
              action: call-service
              service: esphome.roomba_control_command
                command: start
              target: {}
            icon: mdi:arrow-right-drop-circle
          - show_name: true
            show_icon: true
            type: button
              action: call-service
              service: esphome.roomba_control_command
                command: stop
              target: {}
            icon: mdi:stop-circle
      - type: horizontal-stack
          - show_name: true
            show_icon: true
            type: button
              action: call-service
              service: esphome.roomba_control_command
                command: spot
              target: {}
            icon: mdi:sync
          - show_name: true
            show_icon: true
            type: button
              action: call-service
              service: esphome.roomba_control_command
                command: dock
              target: {}
            icon: mdi:home-circle
      - type: horizontal-stack
          - show_name: true
            show_icon: true
            type: button
              action: call-service
              service: esphome.roomba_control_command
                command: locate
              target: {}
            icon: mdi:bell-circle
          - show_name: true
            show_icon: true
            type: button
              action: call-service
              service: esphome.roomba_control_command
                command: sleep
              target: {}
            icon: mdi:pause-circle
  - type: grid
    title: roomba-drive
      - show_name: false
        show_icon: false
        type: button
          action: none
        icon: ''
          action: none
      - show_name: false
        show_icon: true
        type: button
          action: call-service
          service: esphome.roomba_control_command
            command: go_faster
          target: {}
        icon: mdi:chevron-triple-up
          action: none
      - show_name: false
        show_icon: false
        type: button
          action: none
        icon: ''
          action: none
      - show_name: false
        show_icon: true
        type: button
          action: call-service
          service: esphome.roomba_control_command
            command: go_left
          target: {}
        icon: mdi:chevron-triple-left
      - show_name: false
        show_icon: true
        type: button
          action: call-service
          service: esphome.roomba_control_command
            command: halt
          target: {}
        icon: mdi:car-brake-hold
          action: call-service
          service: esphome.roomba_control_command
            command: drive
          target: {}
      - show_name: false
        show_icon: true
        type: button
          action: call-service
          service: esphome.roomba_control_command
            command: go_right
          target: {}
        icon: mdi:chevron-triple-right
      - show_name: false
        show_icon: false
        type: button
          action: none
          action: none
      - show_name: false
        show_icon: true
        type: button
          action: call-service
          service: esphome.roomba_control_command
            command: go_slower
          target: {}
        icon: mdi:chevron-triple-down
          action: call-service
          service: esphome.roomba_control_command
            command: halt
          target: {}
      - show_name: false
        show_icon: true
        type: button
          action: call-service
          service: esphome.roomba_control_command
            command: drive
          target: {}
          action: none
        icon: mdi:steering

type: entities
  - entity: sensor.roomba_control_activity
    icon: mdi:robot-vacuum-variant
  - entity: sensor.roomba_control_battery
    icon: mdi:battery-outline
  - entity: sensor.roomba_control_charging_state
    icon: mdi:battery-charging-high
  - entity: sensor.roomba_control_capacity
    icon: mdi:battery
  - entity: sensor.roomba_control_charge
    icon: mdi:battery-charging
  - entity: sensor.roomba_control_current
    icon: mdi:lightning-bolt
  - entity: sensor.roomba_control_voltage
    icon: mdi:sine-wave
  - entity: sensor.roomba_control_temperature
    icon: mdi:thermometer
  - entity: sensor.roomba_control_oi_mode
    icon: mdi:steering
  - entity: sensor.roomba_control_drive_speed
title: Roomba-telemetry
1 Like


I did some additional tests
Telemetry is working well
All the commands are working as expected, including the play song

@davidecavestro THANK YOU for this amazing work!!!

I have an additional question regarding the behavior: after the cleaning phase, the “DOCK” button starts to flash; but the activity remains “CLEANING”. Is there any way to intercept the “going to dock” status



I have an additional question regarding the behavior: after the cleaning phase, the “DOCK” button starts to flash; but the activity remains “CLEANING”. Is there any way to intercept the “going to dock” status.

From what I saw in the OI documentation that is not possible :frowning:.
I don’t know if the automatic dock action is timer based. Maybe we can figure that out.
If it is timer based, we could just change the state based on the timer, but I believe there is some more magic involved in the Roomba.

Yep, I have the feeling that time isn’t the only parameter, because if I move Roomba in another room or area, the research of the dock doesn’t start at the same time. I will do more tests here

I noted this behavior:
Cleaning → Cleaning (Dock button flashing) → Lost (Red Alert triangle on roomba) → Lost

From another point of view, I’m wondering if we can do something with automation or in code when we send command “DOCK” to arbitrary set the activity or another sensor to “Going to DOCK”
In this way we can understand what the roomba is doing after it receives a command, same for “SPOT”, we can manage another status that only “CLEANING” status

what do you think?

So far I had no time to check, so I write my thoughts anyway.
As @wburgers said specs rulez.
I’d check specs then try and see how data flows from device, eventually preparing a truth table

I haven’t had much time either to dive into the idea by @bremby.

I’ve mostly tried to figure out what is wrong with my Roomba and pretty much dove into a rabit hole.
So, last time, I figured that the OI port was damaged, probably due to a short circuit.
So naturally I ordered a new motherboard for my Roomba from AliExpress for about €23.
Because what else could be wrong? The OI port is probably a protected part of the motherboard and so that part is probably damaged.

Took a while to get the new motherboard to the Netherlands.
Last weekend I removed the old motherboard from the device and installed the new one only to find out that it had exactly the same behavior for the OI port.
So apparently it was not the motherboard that was broken :thinking:.
It has to be one of the sensors or something else.

A few years back, I ordered myself a new battery as the one that came with the Roomba was getting depleted very fast. I kept the old battery laying around just in case.
I inserted the old battery back into the Roomba after the new motherboard install and guess what…
The ESP could read from the OI port again. Inserting the newer battery again, made it spit out bogus.
So I damaged the battery?

Then I started digging more into the battery. There are no smarts in these older NiMH batteries.
It’s just battery cells and a thermistor. No pcb or anything.
With my multimeter I tested both the battery voltage and the thermistor resistance.
The voltage was around 16V after charging, which should be fine.
The thermistor should be between 8.5 and 15.5kΩ at room temperature according to the Roomba service manual.
The old battery gave a value of around 13.6kΩ, the newer battery around 9kΩ, just removed from the Roomba, which could impact the measurement a little.
It should be fine.

So I’m now considering buying another brand new battery.
Before I do so, I’ll hopefully try out a battery from a friend of mine, to see if that indeed solves my issues.

I am completely baffeled that the battery can cause the OI port to go haywire.
Especially since the measurements are okay.
So I’m still a bit lost on what to do next.
Buy a new battery or give up and buy a new robo vacuum.