Add wifi to an older roomba

I have this up and running using a wemos d1 mini, a dc shield, and a 3.3v to 5v level shifter. Had to use a NPN on the TX line from the roomba before the level shifter to get the status via telnet.

I am getting the device Status in MQTT, but in HA, none of the feedback is showing there, no battery status, etc. Is this to be expected?

Check your error logs. There is something going on that I don’t understand. I ran into the same problem and reported the problem on github. The MQTT messages sent from the roomba are correct. Something on the HASS side doesn’t work.

Someone replied to your github and said you have to create templates. They gave a couple of examples, so I might figure out how to set these up later on today.

This is my first HA integration, so not sure how to setup templates.

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I was able to get it to work, here is my config. I had to add the “{{ value_json.* }}” after each template according to the status returned from MQTT.


  • platform: mqtt
    name: “Roomba”
    • turn_on
    • turn_off
    • pause
    • stop
    • return_home
    • battery
    • status
    • locate
    • clean_spot
    • send_command
      command_topic: “vacuum/command”
      battery_level_topic: “vacuum/state”
      battery_level_template: “{{ value_json.battery_level }}”
      charging_topic: “vacuum/state”
      charging_template: “{{ value_json.charging }}”
      cleaning_topic: “vacuum/state”
      cleaning_template: “{{ }}”
      docked_topic: “vacuum/state”
      docked_template: “{{ value_json.docked }}”
      send_command_topic: ‘vacuum/send_command’
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Wondering what the best repo is for the esp/roomba code? Saw a few forks off of but wasnt sure what was the best to go from.

So far I have it working with on a 2017 600 series model. About to check the whole dock thing now.

And looks like it’s working just fine waking from dock, at least after waiting 5+ minutes of being docked…

Hi there!

I’m a newbie and was wondering if you can sketch a diagram with the electronic connections between the Roomba and ESP8266 or maybe post more photos of the connections.



I’ve put together a schematic here and submitted a pull request.

Note there’s a mismatch currently between the wiring directions and the config file; either wire to GPIO14 or update the config to your desired pin.


This is great! Appreciate your quick response.

I used a Wemos(lolin) d1 mini, and the dc shield. I will post my sketch tomorrow, along with a quick wiring diagram. Easier to program the first time since it’s USB, and then the shield handles the voltage conversion without issue.

Great. i’ll like to use a D1 Mini.

Can someone tell me what i need to buy exactly to do this project.


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I used the following

Wemos D1 mini
Wemos DC Shield
3.3v to 5v level shifter
PNP transistor (2N2907A, 2N3906, or 2N4403) wired like this

Hoping to have time tomorrow to draw out how it is all connected.

I couldn’t find the Wemos DC shield in Fritzing, and the pins on the mini din are not labeled right(correct number is 1-7, top to bottom), but I hope this helps

Will try this weekend to pull mine apart and take close up pics of how I stacked and soldered everything together.


Thanks Ecam315!’Can you share your sketch?

this is my main.cpp

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <ESP8266mDNS.h>
#include <ArduinoOTA.h>
#include <Roomba.h>
#include <PubSubClient.h>
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
#include "config.h"
extern "C" {
#include "user_interface.h"

// Remote debugging over telnet. Just run:
// telnet roomba.local
#include <RemoteDebug.h>
#define DLOG(msg, ...) if(Debug.isActive(Debug.DEBUG)){Debug.printf(msg, ##__VA_ARGS__);}
RemoteDebug Debug;
#define DLOG(msg, ...)

// Roomba setup
Roomba roomba(&Serial, Roomba::Baud115200);

// Network setup
WiFiClient wifiClient;

// MQTT setup
PubSubClient mqttClient(wifiClient);
const PROGMEM char *commandTopic = MQTT_COMMAND_TOPIC;
const PROGMEM char *statusTopic = MQTT_STATE_TOPIC;

os_timer_t wakeupTimer;

void doneWakeup(void *pArg) {
  digitalWrite(BRC_PIN, HIGH);
  DLOG("Done waking up\n");

void wakeup(){
  // TODO: There's got to be some black magic here that I'm missing to keep the
  // Roomba from going into deep sleep while on the dock. Thinking Cleaner
  // had a software solution, so it must be possible:
  // I've tried:
  // * Pulsing the BRC pin low at various intervals
  // * Switching to safe and full modes briefly
  // Maybe I could try:
  // * Switching on a motor or led very very briefly?
  // * Changing the baud rate
  // * Setting BRC to input (high impedence) instead of high
  // I have noticed sometimes I'll get a sensor packet while the BRC pin is
  // pulsed low but this is super unreliable.
  DLOG("Wakeup Roomba\n");
  digitalWrite(BRC_PIN, LOW);
  // Spin up a timer to bring the BRC_PIN back high again
  // I tried to use a c++ lambda here, but for some reason it'd fail on the 6th
  // iteration. I wonder if something is keyed off the function pointer.
  os_timer_setfn(&wakeupTimer, doneWakeup, NULL);
  os_timer_arm(&wakeupTimer, 1000, false);

bool performCommand(const char *cmdchar) {
  // TODO: do this only if necessary

  // Char* string comparisons dont always work
  String cmd(cmdchar);

  // MQTT protocol commands
  if (cmd == "turn_on") {
DLOG("Turning on\n");
  } else if (cmd == "turn_off") {
DLOG("Turning off\n");
  } else if (cmd == "toggle") {
  } else if (cmd == "stop") {
  } else if (cmd == "clean_spot") {
DLOG("Cleaning Spot\n");;
  } else if (cmd == "locate") {
  } else if (cmd == "return_to_base") {
DLOG("Returning to Base\n");
  } else {
return false;
  return true;

void mqttCallback(char *topic, byte *payload, unsigned int length) {
  DLOG("Received mqtt callback for topic %s\n", topic);
  if (strcmp(commandTopic, topic) == 0) {
// turn payload into a null terminated string
char *cmd = (char *)malloc(length + 1);
memcpy(cmd, payload, length);
cmd[length] = 0;

if(!performCommand(cmd)) {
  DLOG("Unknown command %s\n", cmd);

void debugCallback() {
  String cmd = Debug.getLastCommand();

  // Debugging commands via telnet
  if (performCommand(cmd.c_str())) {
  } else if (cmd == "quit") {
DLOG("Stopping Roomba\n");
  } else if (cmd == "rreset") {
DLOG("Resetting Roomba\n");
  } else if (cmd == "mqtthello") {
mqttClient.publish("vacuum/hello", "hello there");
  } else if (cmd == "version") {
const char compile_date[] = __DATE__ " " __TIME__;
DLOG("Compiled on: %s\n", compile_date);
  } else {
DLOG("Unknown command %s\n", cmd.c_str());

void setup() {
  pinMode(BRC_PIN, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(BRC_PIN, HIGH);

  // Set Hostname.
  String hostname(HOSTNAME);

  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {

  ArduinoOTA.setHostname((const char *)hostname.c_str());

  mqttClient.setServer(MQTT_SERVER, 1883);

  Debug.begin((const char *)hostname.c_str());


void reconnect() {
  DLOG("Attempting MQTT connection...\n");
  // Attempt to connect
  if (mqttClient.connect(HOSTNAME)) {
DLOG("MQTT connected\n");
  } else {
DLOG("MQTT failed rc=%d try again in 5 seconds\n", mqttClient.state());

void sendStatus() {
  // Flush serial buffers
  while (Serial.available()) {;

  uint8_t sensors[] = {
Roomba::SensorDistance, // 2 bytes, mm, signed
Roomba::SensorChargingState, // 1 byte
Roomba::SensorVoltage, // 2 bytes, mV, unsigned
Roomba::SensorCurrent, // 2 bytes, mA, signed
Roomba::SensorBatteryCharge, // 2 bytes, mAh, unsigned
Roomba::SensorBatteryCapacity // 2 bytes, mAh, unsigned
  uint8_t values[11];

  bool success = roomba.getSensorsList(sensors, sizeof(sensors), values, 11);
  if (!success) {
DLOG("Failed to read sensor values from Roomba\n");
  int16_t distance = values[0] * 256 + values[1];
  uint8_t chargingState = values[2];
  uint16_t voltage = values[3] * 256 + values[4];
  int16_t current = values[5] * 256 + values[6];
  uint16_t charge = values[7] * 256 + values[8];
  uint16_t capacity = values[9] * 256 + values[10];

  DLOG("Got sensor values Distance:%dmm ChargingState:%d Voltage:%dmV Current:%dmA Charge:%dmAh Capacity:%dmAh\n", distance, chargingState, voltage, current, charge, capacity);

  bool cleaning = false;
  bool docked = false;

  String state;
  if (current < -300) {
cleaning = true;
  } else if (current > -50) {
docked = true;

  StaticJsonBuffer<200> jsonBuffer;
  JsonObject& root = jsonBuffer.createObject();
  root["battery_level"] = (charge * 100)/capacity;
  root["cleaning"] = cleaning;
  root["docked"] = docked;
  root["charging"] = chargingState == Roomba::ChargeStateReconditioningCharging
  || chargingState == Roomba::ChargeStateFullChanrging
  || chargingState == Roomba::ChargeStateTrickleCharging;
  root["voltage"] = voltage;
  root["current"] = current;
  root["charge"] = charge;
  String jsonStr;
  mqttClient.publish(statusTopic, jsonStr.c_str());

int lastStateMsgTime = 0;
int lastWakeupTime = 0;

void loop() {
  long now = millis();
  // If MQTT client can't connect to broker, then reconnect
  if (!mqttClient.connected()) {
  } else {
if (now - lastWakeupTime > 50000) {
  lastWakeupTime = now;
if (now - lastStateMsgTime > 1000) {
  lastStateMsgTime = now;

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Sorry for the long radio silence from me. I’m starting to invest in this project again! I’ve accepted the PRs that were open on the GitHub repo.

Is anyone using this successfully with a Roomba 650?

I am with the code above.