Sometimes when I add a z-wave device, it doesn’t come in as complete.
Today I added two popp 4001 smoke detectors/sirens. The first one came in nice with 7 entities.
The second one showed only 3, and not the most useful ones either.
Due to my being lazy, I’d like to complete the second one without climbing a 5 meter ladder, excluding/resetting/adding it.
They were both added very close to the controller (but mounted to where they belong without my checking first).
Is it possible to complete the incomplete one in an easy way. or do I have to climb the ladder?
Home Assistant 0.96.4.
Sometimes battery devices fall asleep during the “interview” process, and OpenZwave can’t discover all the capabilities. Usually there is a way to manually trigger a wake up, which will continue the interview process, such as pressing the inclusion button, which means yes you’re going to have to climb the latter. If the devices wake up on their own, it may happen on its own, but you’ll have to wait. my First Alert smoke alarm never wakes up, so I would have to do it manually.
I found this persistent for example while trying to add Fibaro Smart Implant. Device has 17 entities on node, while standard discovery was adding only 7. I ended up using OZWCP add-on rather to add devices than build in Z-wave control panel. While it uses the same Z-wave library, for some reason is way more reliable. Unfortunately it requires to remove and add the node again. I found no way to ‘update’ node.
Ok. The popps are powered by 230v, but I guess that’s just a backup for the battery.
Is the “falling asleep during interviewing” something that’s a z-wave phenomenon in general for battery powered devices? It explains why some of my wall controllers had to be added several times.
this is common.
Please check OZW_Log.txt
you’ll see your zwave battery device working at normal but in HA lovelace it;ll stay at init
you can try to fix it with the 3 button press on the deivce but it will stay at the init phase after restarting HA due to the fact it goes to sleep quicker.
Thanks, all!
The manual wake up method suggested by @freshcoast works, in combination with a lot of patience.
I’ve added several of the popp 4001’s, and for some I had to perform several wakeups/reincludes. But finally, they’re all in place.
Regarding the differences between HA and OZWCP, I don’t know, but maybe things will get better with OZW 1.6?