Added a second instance of Home Assistant on same network and its messed up my original one?


All was fine with my RPI4 running Home Assistant (not docker) and i decided I wanted to kind start fresh but copy most of my config over bit by bit and make it more organised.

Well I didn’t get that far, I installed Home Assistant OS on my Intel i5 Unraid as a KVM. After it installed I tried to log into the webgui using homeassistant.local:8123 but forgot the RPI4 was also running a the same time. At first it was rejecting root and no password until it clicked and I typed in the RPI4 details and it logged in but either then or very soon after (not doing anything to the RPI4 at all) it was in safe mode and I cannot get out. I tired using a backup but it still doesn’t work.

The error when trying to restart is:

The system cannot restart because the configuration is not valid: Not a directory @ data['allowlist_external_dirs'][0]

I also get this above the log:

[547390486464] The system cannot restart because the configuration is not valid: Not a directory @ data['allowlist_external_dirs'][0]
02:59:18 – (ERROR) Home Assistant WebSocket API
The system cannot restart because the configuration is not valid: Not a directory @ data['allowlist_external_dirs'][0]
02:59:18 – (ERROR) Home Assistant Supervisor
The 'entity_id' option near /config/configuration.yaml:117 is deprecated, please remove it from your configuration
02:59:18 – (WARNING) template - message first occurred at 02:59:18 and shows up 2 times

This is the pastebin of the error logs: HA Log -

EDIT: I found this comment from someone about a person having quite the same issues but I dont know what it means really? Here is what they said:

Since one is in a container I'd bet that you never exposed the container port to the outside world/host.

Ie you need eitger host networking and binding the port to the broadcast address or adding a '-p xxxx:xxxx' flag when you do docker run. Post your docker command here to check.

Can also verify by running an Nmap scan on that ip of the docker host/rpi

Could this be something to with it maybe?

The comment seems to be rather related to port accessibility issues on Docker. In your case it’s a problem of HA refusing to even start. Were you running Home Assistant OS on the RPI4 as well?

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Hey, many thanks for the quick reply.
I was indeed running Home Assistant OS on the RPI4 before which is still in safemode while the Unraid box is running super! How do I go about fixing this please?

I would like ot get the RPI going again to help move the config over etc before wiping and then using the Hacs Integration: Remote Home Assistant and having the Unraid server as Master and RPi4 as slave or experimental.

In Safe Mode HA should start and run bare bones, at least allowing you investigate. Is it aborting startup altogether?

If you have 2 HA’s running, which one is homeassistant.local ?
I use and (replace 10.0.0.xx with the correct IP-addresses for your configuration), that way there is no confusion which one you are accessing.

Yeo, just loads into safe mode. Like I said I also used a full backup and its still not worked?

I dont use homeassistant.local:8123 anymore, just ip address and port for each one. Unraid (new one works fine) the RPI is in safe mode,

I use and (replace 10.0.0.xx with the correct IP-addresses for your configuration), that way there is no confusion which one you are accessing.

I dont understand what you want me to replace? My ip address is the for Unriad and for RPI4

Just wanted to say, don’t use 10.0.0.X but your own IP’s, as, but you understood :).

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Ha, cheers!