Added support for Vaillant Thermostat, how to integrate in official release

Hi @baalzotek,

I can send you the configuration data. However, I’m using an old version of Hassbian (0.84.3) and I can’t help you to introduce the latest changes from @pjmaenh.


Hi @Dixietoom,

A hour ago I completed successfully the configuration.

I decompiled the Migo apk version and get the api key from it. It was my problem.

Mi config file is:

  - platform: vaillant

  api_key: na_client_android_sdbg
  secret_key: 28d36XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX8ffeb
  username: MYUSER
  password: MYPASS
  discovery: False
  user_prefix: sdbg

To get the api key I have decompiled the apk MiGo

The api key is in in line number 69.


Y gracias de todos modos!!!


Can we set a schedule with pjmaenh/home-assistant-vaillant? And if we set a temperature using climate.settemperature, is it only for 2hours like I read somewhere here, or will this be the setting until told otherwise?
Kinda new here so sorry if this is obvious :slight_smile:

Hi @Dixietoom,

I am trying to integrate my vSmart into Home Assistant 0.116.2.
Could you provide me the API+KEY and SECRET_KEY?



Complete new to HA, but also wat to give this a try…
Can someone please give the right keys?
Many thanks :slight_smile:

PS getting confused: my android app is vSmart v1.2.0.2, but reading this is the miGo?
Can anybody tell me what to tuse?

Got it working ! Thanks to the steps of @alexbelgium
So no more help needed

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Hi Joost, Can you share this with me? I am also trying to integrate my Vaillant eRelax/vSmart in Home assistant

Hey all,

does this still work? considering buying a Vsmart…
Want to make sure it works still with HA.


Hi, it does still work but i wouldn’t buy a vsmart, having owned one for 4 years. There are numerous issues with it and Valiant seem to have moved on to, i think “ambiSENSE”. Also if the gateway thing losses internet connection it just turns on full blast even if the heating is in summer mode so you come home on a sunny summer day and heating is burning like it;s -2, that maybe just me but i don’t think it it is as i have heard others mentioning it. We have to turn our radiator boiler control down in the summer to negate this, which is not smart, in my opinion. I could go on but I’m looking at replacing the system with something a bit more integrated like the drayton wiser? stuff which as trv and boiler controls.

Hi, the integration works very well if you have a supported boiler (at least on my system). Never had a down time or an issue with it in 2 years. Not sure where you are located but the best price I found for a Vsmart was on There is also a phone app. The thermostat in itself seems “smart” and I’m much happier with it than with my previous thermostats in terms of heating kinetics.

Best regards

ps : I read the comment just above written in parallel to me, and indeed Vsmart is an “old” system so perhaps there exists more up-to-date thermostats.

Thanks for the reply,

I just haven’t seen any alternatives for thermostats that work with Vaillant Ebus systems that does integrate with HA.
i’ve been holding off on it because i read about this disconnecting issue…

Do you know of any decent alternatives that doesn’t turn my modulating boiler into a on of boiler?

Cheers and thanks again for the input.


Hey Alex,

also based in Belgium, so i’ll definitely have a look at
So you never experienced the gateway disconnecting from your wifi?


Hi fellow Belgian :wink:

I took the Vsmart specifically because it was the only one I found that uses the specific Vaillant eBus modulation. Before that I tried the “Boxx from Engie”, or the Netatmo thermostat, which alas rely on “opentherm” and would only have worked with an additional adapter ; and the other Vaillant smart thermostats are much more expensive. I never experienced a disconnection from the thermostat, but the gateway is at 2m from the wifi, and the gateway at 10m from the thermostat. Also, I have nearly never VDSL downtime. For info, as sampras mentionned, there is a “summer mode” that disables heating. I have never seen it malfunctioning.

I just checked - I had bought it for 140€ in Jan-19 ; and now it is nearly at twice that price… so guess you should check other alternatives.

In terms of automation, this one is pretty solid. The only failures I have is that sometimes the thermostat doesn’t load if I reboot home assistant, and I need to reboot it an additional time before seeing it.

All the best,

Hi Alex,

Thanks for the additional info! Very helpful!
Still might be worth the gamble then :grinning:, my gateway would be 5m away from the wifi and the thermostat would be that far away either…

Best price I can find right now is here

Thanks again,


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Hi @pjmaenh, how i can send to you the <API_KEY> , <SECRET_KEY> , <APP_VERSION> and <USER_PREFIX> ? thanks

Hello, I’m also now working on getting the eRelax/vSmart controller to integrate with my HA. Can someone share the configuration details needed? API key and other parameters needed. Thanks in advance.

My config. Working fine.

api_key: na_client_android_vaillant
secret_key: 92…f0
username: xxxxx
password: xxxxx
discovery: False
user_prefix: vaillant

platform: vaillant

Guys, don’t ask secret. There is enough information above how to find all parameters.

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With the migo app it doesn’t works for me…any idea?

Hi roberfernandez,

I’m not a great specialist of home assistant but I managed to integrate this feature with a previous version of the migo app. I have now the same version as you and it is still working fine for me even if it is still mention version in my yaml file.

Without an example of your config or logs, I’m not sure more clever guy then I will be able to help.

Can you confirm you change vaillant by sdbg in the api key as the user prefix ?

Best regards


i just installed it and it works properly. But i could not get actual and target temperatures from grafana with influxdb

i could not find an entity id for climate.thermostat

How can i do this ?
