Added support for Vaillant Thermostat, how to integrate in official release

found a way to do this;
just add these codes to configuration.yaml

  - platform: template
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('climate.thermostat', 'current_temperature') }}"
        unit_of_measurement: "°C"
        friendly_name: "Home Actual Temperature"
        value_template: "{{ state_attr('climate.thermostat', 'temperature') }}"
        unit_of_measurement: "°C"
        friendly_name: "Home Target Temperature"
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I would like to thanks all contributors, @pjmaenh first, but @alexbelgium, Dixietoom and all others for your works.

I’m trying to find the right keys (<API_KEY>, <SECRET_KEY>, <APP_VERSION>) for a Saunier Duval Migo

Could you send it to me by PM ?

Thanks again

Hello, I don’t understand if this integration is Cloudless?

Hello everybody,
please I need some advice. Today I installed Migo thermostat. I have latest android version of Migo android app, which I online decompiled, I correctly got Secret Key. I also copied 3 files into custom_components\vaillant\ folder.
But When I put following lines into configuration.yaml:

 api_key: na_client_android_sdbg
 secret_key: 28d36XXXXXXXXXXXXffeb
 password: MY_MIGO_APP_PWD
 discovery: False
 user_prefix: sdbg

- platform: vaillant

nothing happens… I dont see any new device. After configuration check I got error:

Testing configuration at /tmp/config
Fatal error while loading config: invalid syntax (, line 7)
Failed config
General Errors:
- invalid syntax (, line 7)

Currently I’m running HASS on RPI3 , Home Assistant OS 5.9, Supervisor Version 2020.12.7, Python Version 3.8.6.
Do you have any ideas or recommendations what I’m doing wrong? I’m desperate.


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Actually I managed it work, I can confirm, my configuration is correct, I found other non-vaillant component was causing config check error. I removed it, now check ist Configuration Valid.
So guys, if I have problems like me, try to look for other errors.


Hi @arturonaredo and @pjmaenh,

I found the python integration for MultiMATIC, which is the same hardware as Milink v3 from Saunier Duval. I think that we can fork this code to control the New Saunier Duval Mipro (Mipro Sense) thermostats, using also the gateway Milink.

Kind regards!

Hi, I’m a bit of a novice with HA but have followed this and completed the instructions which for me were pretty clear, checked and double checked and finally I have Vaillant showing in Integrations. Now after completing the form with my details as in my android app, I get “invalid authentication”. Does anyone have any idea where I’ve gone wrong?
Please, all your excellent work and I’ve fallen at the last hurdle.
I have ‘Valid Configuration’, I have Vaillant in Integrations, I have the form popup, but when I enter my details, the same ones I use to login to my Vaillant Android App, I get ‘Invalid Authentication’
I hope someone can help.
Thanks In Advance.

Thanks for all the pointers in the thread i managed to setup my Valliant eRelax controller without any issues.
Im only looking if it is possible to retrieve the data from the application with percentage of boiler operation time, i’ve passed to influxdb the climate.myname device.
Can you help me get that data to influxdb so taht i can have it later on my grafana dashboard.

Thanks in advance and great work Guys:)

Mine vaillant integration in HA is working, showing history, can set up temperature, but sometimes it’s not updating the state of thermostat. I don’t know what is causing this, native thermostat application (android) is working properly, no disconnections. Have you somebody similar experience?thanks for any advice

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Hello here,

I’m a beginner on HA from few days :slight_smile:

And i have a Vaillant Thermostat, and and I followed the tutorial to decompile the application (.apk)
I think I found the api_key
but I can’t get the secret_key and the user_prefix
I can’t open the .dex class as described by @alexbelgium
with wordpad, I have special characters
I have decompiled the application

could you help me?

And best wishes to all :slight_smile:

I’ve sent you the info by message and updated my initial post. As pjmaenh said, it’s better to use an editor such as VS code or Notepad++ that are designed to handle code.

I’m new on HA.
Could you just explain how to get this library on the overview dashboard?
Also I’m ‘just’ wanting a simple button to activate the hot water boost for an hour.
I created a button. could you help me with the associated code?
I currently have:
type: button
action: call-service
service: water_heater.set_operation_mode
entity: binary_sensor.vaillant_quick_mode

but Service data can only be entered in the code editor

Next task would be to generate a notification when water is >35 deg or <10 deg

thanks in advance

2021-01-17 22_07_19-Overview - Home Assistant 2021-01-17 22_07_53-Overview - Home Assistant

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Yes, my experience is similar. Sometimes the state is not updated. Couldn’t figure out what is the problem, yet.

Hi Friends!!

I tryied as @pjmaenh said, and my HA keeps for infinite time checking the config before reboot.

Where is the mistake? I add the right lines with the code at config.yaml (and user and pass), and added the files to custom_components.

Where is the error?

Thank you all!

Hello, thank you for your component which works very well with my migo saunier duval. Do you think you can integrate the planning? I would love to be able to change directly on the frontend so that my wife can interact as she pleases.

Hi All, I’m still stuck not being able to run Vaillant integration. I’ve checked and checked again but cannot see any error(s). I get to the Vaillant integration but after inputting my details I get invalid authentication, these are the same details I use on the Android app ver
This is my vaillant in configuration yaml:

  api_key: na_client_android_vaillant
  secret_key: 929a***********************45f0
  username: !secret vaillant_user
  password: !secret vaillant_pass
  discovery: False
  user_prefix: vaillant

- platform: vaillant

Can someone explain what I should enter in the Connection information i.e username, password, serial number?
Hope someone can come to my rescue!
Thanks in advance.

I use a migo with your version (post miseb79 dec20) but I think your secret key is for

Thank you for your suggestions, I found the key for the Android/Vaillant APK and replaced my original. Even put all, i.e. user, password and key, in open (not !secret) but still get invalid authentication when input my Android app user/pass which I know to be correct.
I tried with my original key, even tried your key with, same result - invalid authentication. Desperation I removed all Vaillant related folders from config and the configuration.yaml instance ( Vaillant integration no longer available) and then reinstalled all as per instructions (Vaillant integration back) but still same “invalid authentication” result.
I must be doing something wrong!!

try to use Migo integration, not Vaillant in your setup (see my post on dec 20th):
api_key: na_client_android_sdbg
user_prefix: sdbg

I had similar problems, be sure to test your config for other errors, in my case, after I removed other component (not related to heating) which I found throught configuration check, my problem was solved

Sometimes the netatmo API is offline, or very slow, and all data is pulled from this website.
You will most likely also see errors like this in the logs:

  HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): 
    Read timed out. (read timeout=10)

Usually fixes itself after a while. If you use the regular app often, you will also sometimes see that it is not loading (no thermostat found) or very unresponsive.