Added support for Vaillant Thermostat, how to integrate in official release

I haven’t figured out the planning fully yet. The library can get the schedule data (in a raw format, so it needs post-processing), but there is no way yet to modify the schedule. I am also not sure if this would be supported within the home assistant architecture, as I don’t think the HA thermostat component has support for schedules yet (with Home Assistant, you could do the scheduling via automations).

Thank you for the work done.
Everything is working fine for me but I would like the outside temperature to be displayed on my Dashboard.
Currently on my “Thermostat” card I only have the desired and current indoor temperatures.
I am in France with the MIGo application and thermostat.
Thanks for your help.
Merci pour le travail effectué.
Tout fonctionne bien pour moi mais j’aimerais que la température extérieure s’affiche sur mon Dashboard.
Actuellement sur ma carte “Thermostat” je n’ai que les T° intérieures souhaité et actuelles.
Je suis en France avec l’application et le thermostat MIGo.
Merci pour votre aide.

Good morning,
I am a beginner of HA. I installed the component according to the instructions described above and everything works correctly but I notice the following message in the component settings: “This entity (” climate.thermostat “) does not have a unique ID, therefore its settings cannot be managed by the User interface.” Is a mistake? Thank you all for the work done.

Hi there,

I spotted this in the logs this morning:

2021-04-12 10:00:46 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] No 'version' key in the manifest file for custom integration 'vaillant'. As of Home Assistant 2021.6, this integration will no longer be loaded. Please report this to the maintainer of 'vaillant'


I also got the following message regarding the “version” key:
WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] No ‘version’ key in the manifest file for custom integration ‘vaillant’. As of Home Assistant 2021.6, this integration will no longer be loaded. Please report this to the maintainer of ‘vaillant’

Can this be fixed?
Maybe @samueldumont or @pjmaenh knows the answer?


The component needs a small update. I am not up to date with all the recent home Assistant changes but seems like an easy fix, just add some version in the manifest file?

If anyone figures it out before I do, feel free to create a PR and/or create an issue on GitHub.

Seems like @gdesfeux already created a PR - thanks!

To get rid of the message, add the manifest.json to the same folder from GitHub - pjmaenh/home-assistant-vaillant: Custom Home Assistant Component for Vaillant vSMart and Bulex/Saunier Duval MiGo

Be sure to do this before upgrading to 2021.6 when it gets released!

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That is perfectly normal, each entity added manually in yaml will give this message.

I am not sure the outside temperature is inside the raw data… but then again, I think they just get the temperature from an online forecast so why not just add a weather sensor to get outside temp? Results will be the same…

Hello, thanks for the reply but before the migo thermostat connected I had an unconnected wireless thermostat and I had the outside temperature. By rereading the instructions for my boiler, it is specified that it is equipped with an outside temperature sensor. I’m sure the outside temperature data is not coming from an online forecast.
Thanks again.

Hi hcpass,
Your boiler may be equipped with an outside temperature sensor, but as soon as you connect a MiGo thermostat to it, the outside sensor will be disabled.
After that, MiGo gets the data from an online source, not from the local sensor.

It is really stupid, but this is how it works unfortunately. I am planning to get rid of MiGo partly because of this.

Thanks for the quick reply/fix @pjmaenh it worked!

Hello, could you please send me the secret_key too? Thanks a lot

Hello, is there someone who succeeded to get it all that stuff working with a Bulex heating system?

I tried to decompile the APK and search for the secret key, but I was not able to find anything.


Hello i’m new to home assistant and my vsmart thermostat broke, would it be possible to add another sensor that acts like a vsmart thermostat something like a arduino.

I’m looking through the documentation but i could not find any info on this

Hello everybody,
i just installed the latest version of HA 2021.6.0.
The Vaillant custom integration immediately stopped working and I had to delete its folder to be able to restart HA.
I tried to integrate it again but it doesn’t work and I had to delete it again.
Any idea?


Problem solved. I’ve installed the last vaillant custom component that fixes the “version issue” into manifest.json.
Now it’s up and running

can you give the link to download the latest version of vaillant custom component, i have a similar problem.
Thank you

Hi there,

I have an issue since 2021.6.0: I bumped the vaillant custom component to the last version to get the Manifest.json.

I have restarted my Home Assistant but the moment I’m adding the configurations again, the “Configuration files” checker is spinning forever and I cannot reboot my HA.

Anyone is having the same issue?




Have the same issue with 2021.6.1 I have lost the Vaillant integration. Configuration files checker indicates loss of Vaillant integration and component and cannot restart.

Tried reinstalling Vaillant component to no effect.

Have now rolled back to core-2021.5.4 (snapshot) and have Vaillant back, Configuration files OK and can reboot.


same problem


Just update from. Well working.

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