Added support for Vaillant Thermostat, how to integrate in official release

Today I pushed a new version and update is available through HACS. This version has two changes.

First one is adding support for entity categories. All newly implemented entities will support the categories and this release adds support to the existing hot water boost switch. More info on the link: Device configuration URL and entity categories | Home Assistant Developer Docs

Second one is more complex one and it actually made me refactor a big chunk of the underlying library. It is an internal detail that is not visible in the feature set, but it will make this integration easier to expand in the future.

Because of this second change, please be aware that issues might arise when updating. If that is the case for your setup, please try deleting the integration and setting it up again. If that doesn’t work out, please rollback to the previous version and report here your issues with the log.

I decided to release the battery status sensor as well :slight_smile: This one is set up as a “diagnostic” entity category, so it will not show up automatically in your autogenerated Lovelace dashboards. Your device screen should now look like this:

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Hi there, thanks for the work.
Concerning this update, is it necessary to have the last HA version in place?
I tried to update by using a HA 2021.9.6 version and it gave me an error “couldn’t start the service”.
Then I tried to delete and re-install the integration but then I lost the HWB switch and no battery level was shown in the device card.
In the end I rolled back to the previous version of the custom component.

Hey @blashman.

Unfortunately, I can’t test with the older versions of HA at this point. :confused:

I plan on adding tests with multiple versions of the HA, but it’s not done right now. I usually update HA immediately after new version is released and I’ll always make sure that the integration works with latest HA release.

Until those tests are set up, the only thing I can advise is to upgrade because only the latest version will be supported.

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Hello everyone and thank you for this work.
I have went through the thread but I can’t say I figured out if I can integrate my vsmart controller with HA.

I live in UK and I have a Vaillant boiler with a eRelax/vsmart controller and IOS application. I am running the latest version fo HA.

Can I use this integration to connect my vsmart to HA?
Is there some updated information about how to get the auth details?

Thank you!

Hey @dorobica. Check out post 207, it has the best description on how to get auth details for the component. :wink:

After following those steps to get api key (client id) and secret key (client secret), just follow the steps to set up the component using HACS. Once component is installer, it’s configurable through the UI.

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Hi all,

Firstable, sorry for my english.
I’m a neewbie on HASS (few days on it) and I’m looking for connect Boiler to my HASS.
I have a Migo controller with Bulex boiler. I have donwloaded the Migo’s apk.
I have followed the instructions from post 207 but when I’m openning the ´´classes´´ files into notepad++ or VS Code I have just these caracters appears : image

Anyone could help me to get these info ? : <api_key> <secret_key> <user_prefix>

Thank you in advance

Hi all,

I have finally found after using google android SDK :slight_smile:

Hi everyone.

Last couple of weeks I’ve been busy exposing the schedule defined in the official app in HA. I have a working version of the schedule and it will hopefully be released on HACS in the next couple of days.

But there are some assumptions I had to make at this point, so I wanted to check wether those assumptions are good or not.

If you have some time, please answer these polls, it will help me better understand how you use your schedules.

How many schedules do you currently have?

  • One
  • Two
  • More than two

0 voters

How often do you change the schedule?

  • Never
  • Once or twice a year
  • Once or twice a month
  • More often than that

0 voters

What kind of schedule do you use?

  • Daily (each day uses the same hourly schedule)
  • Weekday and weekend split (Mon-Fri use one hourly schedule, Sat-Sun other)
  • Something more complex

0 voters

If you have more than one schedule and you change it at some rate (and you don’t mind sharing :smiley:), please write a comment on how you use those schedules.

New version is up :slight_smile:

This release exposes couple of schedule entities :tada:

  1. New configuration switches, one for each schedule defined in the official app
  2. New diagnostic selects, which show the currently active profile for each of the schedules

The only modify operation currently available is switching between different schedules and it works only by switching on currently inactive schedule. Turning off currently active schedule will not work and will only write this attempted operation in the log.

These are the next steps for the schedules:

  1. Expose the whole hourly schedule in the UI :slight_smile: I already forked the awesome scheduler-card custom card and extended it so that data from Vaillant API can be provided to the UI in the format scheduler-card uses. I’m testing it on my setup and it looks great. The repository which can be added to HACS is available here, but please note that you can’t use both original scheduler-card and this one at this point.
  2. Add all the editing options for existing schedules (changing the times and profiles).
  3. Add ability to create new schedules and remove existing schedules.

I have to thank @SuperBunika for helping out, as he provided all the API endpoint signatures that made this possible.

After the upgrade, your thermostat device should now look something like this.

And with the new custom card, your Lovelace dashboards something like this.


Hi Mislav,
Thank you for a great work you are doing with this integration and constant development and improvements! I am a happy user since early versions and really enjoy it :yum::grinning:

Now I am trying to configure schedule card in Lovelace but after following instruction and installing your custom schedule from hacs I got following error

Any idea why this error appears?

Hey @wysockima.

Thank you for the kind words, I really appreciate it :smiley:

The card has ability to be configured through the UI, just click on the “Show visual editor” button and it will make things easier.

Once you open the editor UI, you’ll see the “Which backend platform to use” setting, which should be set to the vaillant_vsmart platform. After that, everything should work.

If you’d rather use yaml to configure, just add the backend_platform config to your existing config :smiley:

- type: custom:scheduler-card
  backend_platform: vaillant_vsmart
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First up: thanks for the great work. I got it working after my stupid mistake :upside_down_face:. But i want to mention the following:
I didn’t get a clear error in the UI config part. I made a mistake with the password and only saw an error symbol with an empty description.
Because i had no idea (yet) that i used a wrong password, i started searching for the problem. I noticed that the official app has been at version for some time, but this thread does’nt mention that. So now i did :wink:. To be clear: the new version does not give any issues. Even the secret key hasn’t been changed

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Hi @dmu7004, could you please share how you found these values using android SDK? I’m looking for it without success :frowning:

@pjmaenh could you please help me with MiGo app? I’m looking for API secret and other credentials.


Today I decided to link my heating system to Home Assistant. I use a Bulex Thermomaster with MiPro thermostat and a MiLink.

I downloaded the latest version (1.2.3) of the MiPro app that I’m using at:

I found the classes.dex file and renammed it to .txt, but I was not able to find any relevant string starting or ending with 45f0.

Is there someone who can help on this? Also, and it might be stupid, why are those keys so secret?

I made further progress.

After decompiling the APK with apktool, I found in the manifest.xml an API key which is 39 characters long:

<meta-data android:name="io.fabric.ApiKey" android:value="c8a0XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXd4de"/>

Is it the secret key?

PS: I have absolutely not any knowledge with Java so far.

Thanks for the great component @MislavMandaric, using since day 1 and no complaints so far.

Got one question though: does the API provide energy consumption data?
In the official MiGo app in landscape mode we can see graphs of hot water and heating gas energy consumption, also separate graph for electricity consumption. It would be great to have this data in Home Assistant - it has really convenient Energy Management UI.

Thanks for this nice work.

I’m sorry to be so newbie, but I can’t find informations about configuration…
Where can I find
Client ID, Client secret, user prefix and App version?

Thanks in advance,
And sorry again

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Hey @Margriko.

I’m not sure if there is an energy consumption data in the APIs. Unfortunately, I haven’t had time to check it out in more details because I’m still working on the basic thermostat functionality (as this is a part time hobby, I squeeze couple of hours to work on it every once in a while :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:) but consumption data is what interests me as well. I will for sure check it out and see if there is anything we can use to expose it in HA.


I can’t find a classes.dex file?
Did i something wrong?

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@MislavMandaric thanks for all your hard work on this integration! - I’ve been using it for a while now and came back here to see if it’s possible to get the Internal, External temps and boiler usage data, great to see it’s on your radar for the future, having this data in HA would be really useful!

Having just looked again at the app, it certainly looks like the data is stored on the Netatmo/Vaillant servers, I’ve just scrolled back over a years worth of data on the app/graph, it pauses once in a while whilst downloading the data so guessing getting it into HA should be possible! :slight_smile: