how did you do it?
I can’t find the client_id or the api_key, I don’t know the prefix either
Thanks a lot.
I’m going crazy and all the comments are from 2017
how did you do it?
I can’t find the client_id or the api_key, I don’t know the prefix either
Thanks a lot.
I’m going crazy and all the comments are from 2017
It is clear in the post several times.
You have to download the apk to your computer, decompile (there are some webs that decompile online) download the files and search whithin the files the string na_client_android_sdbg.
Under that function you find the key (in return stament) starting with 28d3 and ending with ffeb (both inclusive for the key)
I’m sorry, paying, can someone help me configure the integration with home assistant? I leave my whatsapp for private contact: 3355273527
Hello could you send API_KEY, SECRET_KEY, APP_VERSION and USER_PREFIX for Vaillantt Vsmart please?
I have the same problem. I can´t find the “client id” , “client secret” and prefix in the MIGO app.
you can help me?
This worked for me too!
Wondering if we can also set “Holiday mode till…” Couldn’t find this yet.
Could I also get the secret key, please?
no entities pop up after successfully adding it.
although my sensoapp was upgraded successfully to MyVaillant.
How did you get this to add in the end? I’m getting the exact same error (though I’m with Glowworm MiGo app).
Never mind, I was typing the password wrong… don’t touch the homelab late at night is the lesson here.
Home Assistant 2022.9.4
Supervisor 2022.09.1
Frontend 20220907.2 - latest
Standalone Schedule Card
I have done integration # 361
in the log file I have the following message: WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.frame] Detected integration that uses deprecated `async_get_registry` to access entity registry, use async_get instead. Please report issue to the custom integration author for vaillant_vsmart using this method at custom_components / vaillant_vsmart /, line 38: er: EntityRegistry = await hass.helpers.entity_registry.async_get_registry ()
also how much I use the vaillant_vsmart custom dashboard
I get the following error: Response error: 404
Hey @Gennaro.
Thanks for reporting this issue. I opened an issue on Github and will take a look at it.
Hi, I’m also interested in this, did anyone provided this info already?
nothing yet…
Hi, I’m getting stuck after adding it to HACS. I’ve cleared the cache, but I can not add edit the configuration anywhere. Vsmart does just not show up when I try to add an integration. It does show up in HACS, but when I click on it I just get the manual.
Hi Mislav,
can U provide me with the secret key for the vSmart please?
kind regards
I’m trying to find the client secret for MiGo and have extracted the apk but I’m not finding it. Could someone send it to me please?
I’m already trying this for over two hours, can somaome send me the client secret for Vaillant Vsmart? (Mail: [email protected])
Thank you in advance!
It that possible to share the yaml code for you lovelave dashboard ? For now I only have the default card and yours seems better
Thanks !