Added support for Vaillant Thermostat, how to integrate in official release

Hi , i also would like the key for vaillant,


I’m going to be a bit harsh, but this integration is almost useless as there is no official documentation on how to configure it ( just look at the number of people who ask for help here without answer )…

I am not happy to write this, but it’s a fact…

i successfully got a secret key ( with info in this topic and in other on the net ) but always with no success…

I have a pretty simple setup, but here it is :smiley:

  - type: custom:simple-thermostat
    entity: climate.thermostat
        entity: switch.thermostat_hwb
        name: Hot water boost
  - type: custom:scheduler-card
    backend_platform: vaillant_vsmart
      - select.thermostat_default_profile
    title: false

Unfortunately, yes, for now :frowning: I have a bug report open, which I need to address somehow, but I’d think this is a wider problem all cloud pull integrations face. What happens is, you change the temperature and this gets sent to the cloud API. But the integration UI has a refresh period of 5mins, to change the data that gets shown in HA.

I have to check what are the best practices regarding this, but if nothing else, I’ll just optimistically update the values manually in HA as soon as the action is sent to the cloud. So when the sync happens, data will already be changed locally.

For Vaillant app, the built in schedule in the first party app cannot be disabled. So what I do, I set my data in the official Vaillant app once (at home → 21*, away → 16*, night → 16*) and then use automation to automatically trigger between “Home” and “Away” presets in HA – when I leave home, it sets the preset to “Away”, when I get back, it sets the preset to “Home”.

I never manually trigger thermostat services.

There is a good reason for this – I haven’t yet implemented the ability to change schedule from HA :sweat_smile: There were many other requests which I tackled first, but I’ll add this to the list of improvements and try to implement it asap.

Thank you so much for this, I really appreciate it :heart:

This is something you can do yourself using the template integration.

Instead of lowering the temperature, I suggest changing the preset to “Away”. That way it will stay at away until manually changed back to preset “Home”.

Unfortunately, afaik, when manually adjusting the temperature, Vaillant API expects the duration of the override as a required parameter. The duration that gets set is the one you can adjust in the official app for now (I’ll add this config to the integration some time in the future).

This dropdown you mention is read-only. There is no way to change the profile manually using the Vaillant API. The way this works is that you set the schedule and there you define which profile you want to associate with which time of day. Once you do that, it will automatically change the active profile.

If all you want to achieve is “lower the temperature when I leave the house, put it back to normal when I get home”, I suggest using aforementioned presets - “Away” when leaving the home and “Home” when arriving back.

The process how to get the id and secret is explained here in the thread. When I made my rewrite of the integration, I deliberately didn’t want to mention how to extract the secret directly in any of my code or documentation. If’s a liability I don’t want or need in my hobby project.

I tried to catch up with everything, sorry if I missed something. I’ve been more active on Github than here :slight_smile: Once again, thanks everyone for using the integration and sorry if pace of development is not keeping up with expectations. Whenever I have some spare time to invest in this project, I’m glad to do so. But it’s still a hobby side-project :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Merci @MislavMandaric pour le travail déjà réalisé,
Comme beaucoup de personnes j’utilise un thermostat Miset aussi je me demandais si vous envisageriez d’élargir cette intégration à l’application MigoLink ?

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Thanks a lot for your reply. I still don’t seem to understand it unfortunately.

I understand that the dropdown (select_x_profile) can not be changed, which I was trying. Then I thought that you mean that I should change the switch_x_schedule if I make a Home and Away schedule. Within these schedules, I have set all standard profiles (Home/Away/Night) to 13 for Away schedule and 19 for Home Schedule. However, setting these schedules by using switch_x_schedule doesn’t work. For some reason, it set’s the temperature to 17.5, which is something I don’t have in either… What am I misunderstanding here?

Edit: Just checking now, do you mean the preset within the climate entity which has Summer/Winter/Home/Away? This partly works. Away sets it to 13, but setting it to Home changes it to “Winter” immediately.

Current temperature: {{state_attr('climate.XXX','current_temperature') }}
Set temperature: {{state_attr('climate.XXX','temperature') }}
Heating status:  {{states('climate.XXX') }}

Exactly what I thought!

The fact that Home sets it to Winter is expected, although unintuitive. Home is a shorthand for “turn away off”. But turning away off essentially turns back your regular schedule, which is Winter.

I don’t like this setup that is currently used, but it was the closest thing to the official app before the rewrite, while also being convenient (even if it’s unintuitive).

But since the official app was redesigned, I wanted to redesign the integration as well ande remove these “Winter” and “Summer” presets.

Can you give me the secret key, I’ve tried to find it myself but all I see is Chinese characters in the file, I also decompiled the .app but then the .dex is nowhere to be seen.


Reply to myself here.

I have the key, reading the classes.txt file with a word-processor or text editor didn’t work. I just used the following command in Linux.
grep -a 45f0 classes.txt

this gave me a line of numbers but one part of this line showed the 929 (the beginning of the secret key and further down the line it showed the 45f0 (the end of the secret key).

When adding this to the integration in Home Assistant the vaillant integration works

thank you very much, it works

Hello everyone!
I have a vSmart thermostat installed in my Vaillant boiler and I want to try to integrate it into HA, could someone share via PM the secret_key for the Vaillant Vsmart app?

Thank you !

If, like me, you’ve spent several hours going mad thinking you’re stupid trying to extract the secret key from the apkpure.apk, rather than the vaillant.apk, you need to scroll down and ensure you’re downloading the correct file and not being tricked into hitting the first download button you see.

If you are using Linux don’t bother changing the file extensions everything should work anyway, and firing up the terminal and using grep as detailed above will save a lot of time.


Thank You All!

A small recap for those also trying to find the Vaillant key:

  1. Download the correct apk by clicking the button [ Download APK (8.2 MB) ]
  2. Rename the Vaillant vSMART Control_1.0.4.0_Apkpure.apk to Vaillant vSMART
  3. Locate the classes.dex file rename it to classes.txt (3.2 MB)
  4. Open the Terminal and type: grep -a 45f0 /location/of/classes.txt and copy the text starting from 929a up to and including 45f0
    this is also possible on your home assistant instance if you copied the file over
  5. You now have the public key

Install the Home Assistant Vaillant VSmart component using HACS or the Manual way.
After this you can add the integration to your Home Assistant instance by filling in this information for Vaillant Vsmart:

  • Client ID: na_client_android_vaillant
  • Client secret: 929a up to and including 45f0 (see above)
  • User prefix: Vaillant
  • App version:

Thanks, but then how can I get my desired setup? So Home=winter, so it doesn’t really matter which of those I choose? I get that it goes to 13 degrees in either case. So then I should use Summer for when I’m at home, but how do I get summer to set it to 19 degrees?

In short; how do I define the temperatures for home and away?

And with the integration comes some switches

And you can use all of that in automations

I know those entities and switches (see discussion above), but using this only does this for 2 hours instead of forever until the next change. That was what I was discussing with Mislav about, how to do that :slight_smile:

I’m an ios user, no android. Could you help me with client Id and secret?

Hi all

I’ve tried to search and read this topic to understand if also my Saunier Duval Viessman Thermostat is working, but I havent found any solution to find keys.

Is there any way to do it?



I’m trying to use Vaillant vSmart integration with my MiPro Sense + Milink.
I use MiControl Android app but I didn’t find Client ID and Client Secret in its APK.
So I tried Client ID and Client Secret from Migo Android app, but it doesn’t seem to work.
Please can you tell me how to find the Client ID and Client Secret to use with Mipro Sense and/or Milink ?

Thank you !

Could I have the key please? Thank you.